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Rūkančių asmenų burnos higienos įgūdžiai ir žinios apie rūkymo įtaką burnos sveikatai.

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dc.contributor.author Mickevičiūtė, Gabrielė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-03-04T11:12:26Z
dc.date.available 2019-03-04T11:12:26Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1027
dc.description The relevance of topic: Smoking is one of the most significant health problems in the world. According to the World Bank findings, a third of adults smoking cigarettes. Many studies have shown that smoking is harmful to human health, including the health of the mouth. Smoking makes oral hygiene more difficult, resulting in a great environment for dental plaque formation: teeth calculus, tooth discoloration, bad mouth breath. As well as smoking, the gums lose their resistance to infections, and chronic inflammation of the gums begins. Untreated inflammation can lead to serious health problems and loss of teeth. The aim of the study - to evaluate the oral hygiene skills of smokers and the knowledge about smoking harm to oral health. Goals: 1. Theoretically explain what oral hygiene is and what it contains; 2. Describe the effects of smoking on the mouth; 3. Reveal oral hygiene skills of smokers and their knowledge of the impact of smoking on oral health. Methods of the study: According to the study aim and goals study and the objectives set, quantitative research method was chosen. Collect data using a questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed among people of all ages. Respondents were provided with a paper questionnaire and an online link to the questionnaire. Of the 125 respondents, 108 returned completed questionnaires, responsiveness - 86%. Received data was summarised by the computer using the Microsoft Exel 2010 program. Results of study: In the research conducted, it was found that respondents started smoking at an extremely early age, 88% respondents started smoking before they reached the age of 20. The largest part (81%) of the respondents was made up of persons who smoke every day. Even 47% of the respondents smoking for a full pack of cigarettes a day. In the study, the highest proportion of respondents was smokers from 2 to 5 years (46.3%). The majority of respondents state that information on smoking-related harm to oral health is readily available (67%), but 11% of people need more information, and even 22% respondents are not interested in smoking damage. A large proportion of the respondents (74.1%) cleaned teeth twice a day, but 3.7% respondents are cleaning their teeth less than once a day. 40.8 percent respondents have changed their oral health skills after smoking, of which 18.5 percent people were concerned themselves about their oral health. 90.7 percent respondents noticed changes in the oral cavity after smoking. Most respondents know what changes in the mouth are caused by smoking, how it affects periodontal tissues, and what kind of damage smoking makes to dental implants, but more than a quarter of them did not know the answers to these questions. en
dc.description.abstract Rūkančių asmenų burnos higienos įgūdžiai bei žinios apie rūkymo žalą burnos sveikatai. Burnos higiena ir kas ją sudaro. Rūkymo sukeliami pakitimai burnoje. Rūkančių asmenų burnos higienos įgūdžiai bei žinios apie rūkymo įtaką burnos sveikatai. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject burnos sveikata, rūkymas, burnos higiena en_US
dc.title Rūkančių asmenų burnos higienos įgūdžiai ir žinios apie rūkymo įtaką burnos sveikatai. en_US
dc.title.alternative Smokers’ Knowledge and Skills of Oral Hygiene, and its Influence to Mouth Health en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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