DSpace talpykla

IĮ „Rolando Žeimio sporto klubas“ pardavimų didinimas rėmimo priemonėmis

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dc.contributor.author Macijauskaitė, Greta
dc.date.accessioned 2019-03-04T08:25:07Z
dc.date.available 2019-03-04T08:25:07Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1016
dc.description Sports clubs compete by offering new services, providing additional services, offering various promotions or recruiting the best coaches. Consumers must be informed about such sports club facilities, which is why it is important for each service company to organize an appropriate program for the promotion of their new or improved services and shares. Without such a program, information about the company's proposed innovations will spread very slowly, which would greatly slow down the growth of the company. Therefore, the development of an effective support program for its services is an urgent task for each service company that seeks to increase its sales volume. The main problem of the (professional BA thesis) - what kind of support measures and how to use it to attract more customers and increase the volume of sales of services provided? The aim of the (professional BA thesis) – Evaluate IĮ “Rolando Žeimio Sporto klubas” promotion measures for increasing the sales of services.. Methods of the (professional BA thesis) – analysis of scientific literature, PEST analysis, SWOT analysis, questionnaire survey, statistical descriptive analysis of survey results. The structure – The theoretical part defines the concepts of service marketing and its complex, defines the place of sponsorship in the marketing complex and discusses the supporting elements. The analytical part of the work presents the results of macro-environment and microenvironment, marketing actions and SWOT analysis of the IĮ “Rolando Žeimio Sporto klubas”. The results of the research of the support measures used by IĮ “Rolando Žeimio Sporto klubas” for the use of support measures used by the IĮ “Rolando Žeimio Sporto klubas” are presented. In the project part an action plan for the promotion of the IĮ “Rolando Žeimio Sporto klubas” is presented. In order to increase the sales volume of its services by IĮ “Rolando Žeimio Sporto klubas”, it is suggested to update the company's website on the Internet, to create an account on the social network Facebook. This will increase the analysis of the sports club's communication with existing and potential users, will allow the existing users to be maintained and attract new ones. Create an effective discount system, depending on the age of the users, social status. The work consists of 64 pages, 14 tables, 23 pictures, 35 references and sources of information, 1 appendices. en
dc.description.abstract Darbo problema: kokias rėmimo priemones naudoti, norint pritraukti daugiau vartotojų ir didinti teikiamų paslaugų pardavimų apimtis? Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti IĮ „Rolando Žeimio sporto klubas“ naudojamas rėmimo priemones paslaugų pardavimų didinimui. Darbo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, SSGG analizė, anketinė apklausa, apklausos rezultatų statistinė aprašomoji analizė. Darbo struktūra. Teorinėje dalyje pateikiamas paslaugų marketingo ir jo komplekso sąvokų apibrėžimai, apibrėžiama rėmimo vieta marketingo komplekse ir aptariami rėmimo elementai. Analitinėje darbo dalyje pateikiami IĮ „Rolando Žeimio sporto klubas“ makroaplinkos ir mikroaplinkos, marketingo veiksmų bei SSGG analizės rezultatai. Pateikiamos vartotojų nuomonės apie IĮ „Rolando Žeimio sporto klubas“ naudojamas rėmimo priemones. Projektinėje dalyje pateiktas IĮ „Rolando Žeimio sporto klubas“ rėmimo tobulinimo veiksmų planas. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Pardavimų, didinimas, rėmimo, priemonėmis en_US
dc.title IĮ „Rolando Žeimio sporto klubas“ pardavimų didinimas rėmimo priemonėmis en_US
dc.title.alternative IĮ “Rolando Žeimio Sporto klubas” promotion measures for increasing the sales of services en
dc.type Other en_US

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