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Tėvų nuomonė apie skirtingo temperamento mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų odontologinio gydymo baimes

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dc.contributor.author Lapinskienė, Kristina
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-26T10:44:55Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-26T10:44:55Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1004
dc.description Treatments for dental fear and anxiety affect the larger problems with the teeth and their problems, as well as due to late treatment. It's done research that proves this (Annemarie a. Schuller and others, 2003), so it is especially important to understand all the factors responsible for causing fear for dental treatment and try to remove them from the children's life. The children are very dependent on their parents, so it‘s important to take children to regular checks and to teach hygiene skills . And closer monitoring of the child, if the child prefers not to talk about the problems of the teeth, it may be that he is afraid to go to the dentist because of painful past experiences or because of their character traits. The most common children's dental disease is a tooth decay and periodontal disease arising from not brushing teeth enough, cleaning the tooth improves the enamel mineralization, gum metabolism, more effective is other preventive measures, as a result, visits to the dentist become painless, because only a minimum invasion is needed, and at the same time, if they were fears, they disappear.The research purpose is to identify the links between dental treatment of fear and temperament. Tasks for the purpose of the research: theoretically substantiate the factors, leading to the emergence of fear for school-age children, pick out the most common oral cavity disease in school-age children, describe the features of the character of children and their temperament types, to reveal fears and their temperaments. Work methods: analisis of scientific literature, questionnaire, descriptive statistics. Quantitative research was done . The purpose of the investigation - do children have a fear for dental treatment and, if they have it, whether it is related to their temperament. The study involved 52 people.According to the literature analysis, to the study, the characteristics of the child's character are related to the fear of children (Kristina Arnrup 2007, etc.). Oral hygiene is needed to reduce the fear of dental treatment, appropriate communication with the child, not only the dentist, but also the parents, regular visits to the dentist. After a survey showed, in the opinion of the researchers, whether the features of the child's character are related to fear, 28.8% replied positively, replied that they were not related 34.6%, the remaining had no opinion. en
dc.description.abstract Mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų odontologinio gydimo baimės ir temperamento sąsajos. Veiksniai, lemiantys baimės atsiradimą mokyklinio amžiaus vaikams, išskiriamos dažniausiai pasitaikančios mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų burnos ertmės ligos, vaikų charakterio bruožų ir jų temperamento tipai, baimės ir jų temperamentai. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject vaikų baimės, temperamentas, charakterio bruožų en_US
dc.title Tėvų nuomonė apie skirtingo temperamento mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų odontologinio gydymo baimes en_US
dc.title.alternative Parents' Attitude towards Dental Fears of Schoolchildren of Different Temperament en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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