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Kredito rizika ir jos valdymas AB „Luminor“ bank

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dc.contributor.author Smalinskaitė, Rugilė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-26T09:40:36Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-26T09:40:36Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1000
dc.description Rugilė Smalinskaitė. Credit risk and its management in AB „Luminor“ bank. Professional BA thesis. Academic Supervisor - Lecturer Danutė Binkienė, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Kauno Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences. – Kaunas, 2018. 57 pages. The thesis is about the importance of credit risk management in commercial banks. Using the theoretical material of Lithuanian and foreign authors and commercial bank financial statements, the reserach was made about credit risk assessment and management in AB „Luminor“ Bank. In the banking business, the risk is inevitable, and competition from commercial banks encourages more risk and higher returns; therefore, it is important for the bank to properly manage credit risk so that there is no significant loss or bankruptcy that could lead to an economic recession in the country. The main problem. Past research has shown that the most common cause of bank failure is credit risk. The collapse of banks may lead to an economic recession in the country, so it is required a proper selection of credit risk assessment and management models so it will not to harm both banking activities and the entire economic situation in the country. The aim. After analyzing the credit risk of AB „Luminor“ bank, to evaluate credit risk assessment and management peculiarities/special features. Methods of the research: analysis and synthesis of literature sources, review and analysis of AB „Luminor“ bank financial statements and annual reports, analysis of reports of Lithuania and the European Central Bank, analysis of data of the Department of Statistics, review of legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania, comparative analysis of AB SEB, Swedbank and „Luminor“. Graphical representations (charts) and calculations that highlighted the key findings of credit risk in the analyzed bank were performed by using Microsoft Excel. The structure: the theoretical part discusses the essence and concept of credit risk, the peculiarities of credit risk assessment and management, the role of the Bank of Lithuania and other institutions in credit risk assessment and management, and the situation of the Lithuanian commercial banks loan portfolio. In the practical part of the work, the analysis of credit risk assessment and management of AB „Luminor“ bank is presented: analyzing the status of the bank loan portfolio, credit risk assessment, management features, comparing the bank with other leading commercial banks, and presenting credit risk challenges and their possible improvement. Results: the analysis of credit risk assessment and management performed by its function - revealed the main challenges faced by the analyzed bank, revealed possible solutions to problems and improvements related to credit risk. Scope of the thesis – the work consists of 55 pages, 12 tables, 9 figures, 36 literature and sources of information, 3 annexes. en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamajame darbe yra analizuojama kredito rizikos valdymo svarba komerciniams bankams. Pasinaudojus Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių teorine medžiaga bei komercinių bankų finansinėmis ataskaitomis, atliktas kredito rizikos vertinimo ir valdymo tyrimas AB „Luminor“ banke. Bankų veikloje rizika yra neišvengiama bei komercinių bankų konkurencija skatina prisiimti daugiau rizikos ir siekti didesnio pelno, todėl bankui svarbu tinkamai valdyti kredito riziką, kad nepatirtų didelių nuostolių ar nepatirtų bankroto, kuris galėtų sukelti ekonomikos nuosmukį šalyje. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Kredito rizika, bankas, kredito rizikos vertinimas ir valdymas en_US
dc.title Kredito rizika ir jos valdymas AB „Luminor“ bank en_US
dc.title.alternative Credit risk and its management in AB „Luminor“ bank en
dc.type Other en_US

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