Darbo apibūdinimas: Pirmame skyriuje ,,Žaliojo rakto“ programos diegimo prielaidos ap
gyvendinimo įmonėje, darniosios plėtros samprata, kaip prielaida ,,Žaliojo rakto“ programos diegimui, nagrinėjami darnaus vystymosi sampratos komponentai, analizuojama darnios plėtros principai, socialiai atsakingas verslas darnios plėtros principų realizavimas, ,,Žaliojo rakto“ rekomendacijos/kriterijai apgyvendinimo įmonėms, apgyvendinimo įmonių rūšys, apgyvendinimo galimybės kultūros paveldo objekte, kultūros paveldo reglamentai. Antrame skyriuje analizuojama Žaliojo rakto diegimo prielaidų, viešbutyje ,,Paliekio dvare“ Lekėčiuose analizė. Analizuojama viešbučio ,,Paliekio dvaras“ charakteristika. Nagrinėjama darbuotojų anketinė apklausa. Visi gautų
anketų ir interviu rezultatai apibendrinti ir išanalizuoti. Pateikiamas interviu bei prisatoma atlikto interviu rezultatai. Pateikiama viešbučio paliekio dvaras SSGG analizė. Trečiame skyriuje; rekomendacijos ,,Žaliojo rakto“ programos diegimui viešbutyje Paliekio dvare (Lekėčiuose).
Darbą sudaro 65 puslapiai, 9 lentelės, 26 paveikslai, 50 literatūros ir informacijos šaltiniai, 7 priedai.
Surname Misevičiūtė Egidija Inga. Precondition for implementation of the green key program in Paliekis Manor (in Lekėčiai). Supervisor lecturer Danguolė Žuklienė Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences. Faculty of Manegment and Economics, Tourism and Hotel Manegement study progamme. Kaunas, 2018. 65 p. Description of work: In the first chapter of the "Green Key" program implementation assumptions in the accommodation company, the concept of sustainable development as a prerequisite for the implementation of the "Green Key" program, the components of sustainable development concept are analyzed, principles of sustainable development are analyzed, socially responsible business is implemented, sustainable development principles, ,,Green Key "Recomm endations/Criteria for Accommodation Companies, Types of Accommodation Companies, Acco mmodation Options in Cultural Heritage Objects, Cultural Heritage Regulations. The second cha pter analyzes the assumptions of the Green Key deployment in the Hotel "Paliekio dvare" in Lekėčiai. The description of Hotel Paliekio Manor is analyzed. The questionnaire survey of employees is being investigated. All the results of the received questionnaires and interviews are summarized and analyzed. Interviews are provided and the results of interviews are supplemented. Provide SWAH analysis of the Hotel Left Manor. The third chapter; Recommendations for implementing the "Green Key" program in the hotel "Paliekio dvare" (in Lekėčiai). The main problem - to identify the assumptions of the Green Key deployment in the Manor of Remains (Lekėčiai). The aim – to analyze the assumptions of the implementation of the green key in the Manor of the Residences (Lekėčiai). Working methods: literary analysis, questionnaire survey, interviews, document analysis Structure: Title page, final thesis, summary, list of tables and pictures, introduction. Theoretical, analytical, design parts. Conclusions, literature and information sources, accessories. Methods of work – 1. Questionnaire survey, 2. Interview 3. Analysis of documents The structure - the theoretical part is prepared by analyzing articles, educational literature. The practical part of the work was prepared by analyzing the company's documents, and by conducting a questionnaire survey of employees and guests, aimed at assessing the possibility of implementing the Green Key program in the company. The results - After analyzing the literature and other sources, it became clear that proper preparation for the implementation of the Green Key Program requires the following points: the responsible person (manager or room manager) is selected, as well as the company formulates the employees involved in the environmental policy, The annual plan is carried out annually and the requirements are checked or complied with. After analyzing the assumptions of the implementati
on of the Green Key, in the hotel "Paliekio dvare" (Lekėčiai) it turned out that the premise of the manor deployment can be estimated at a positive rate. After investigating the employees in order to find out the assumptions of the implementation of the "Green Key" assumption, in "Lokiniai dvare" in Lekėčiai one can conclude that the hotel staff meetings are held once a month, during which discussions are held on the tasks performed by employees. The interview revealed that the hotel is making every effort to include employees in the environment, sorting waste (a way of composting for green areas maintenance). Scope of the work - the work consists of 65 pages, 9 tables, 26 figures, 50 literature and sources of information.