Baigiamajame darbe pateiktas dokumentų sąvadas apie raudonųjų vynų iš ankstyvųjų vynuogių veislių „Rondo“ bei „Juodupė“ gamybos procesą, analizuojama literatūra ir moksliniai straipsniai pagal pasirinktą baigiamojo darbo temą, pateikiami nuostolių, žaliavų ir medžiagų skaičiavimai, aprašoma pasirinktų vynų gamybos technologija remiantis suprojektuota srauto diagrama. Parengtas RVASVT planas, būtinosios programos bei SVT taškų planas raudonųjų vynų gamybos procesui bei atlikti finansiniai – ekonominiai skaičiavimai
Anastasija Travkina. Grape must chaptalisation for red wine production from early grape species. The final paper. Supervisor Aldona Sugintienė; Kauno kolegija/University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies, Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018.
The objective of the paper: to project wine production facilities applying process of chaptalisation of early grape must.
The subject of the paper: Project of red wine production.
The structure of the paper. Title page, task, summary, glossary of abbreviations and terms, , content, lists of tables and illustrations, introduction, theoretical part, technological part, conclusions, literature, appendices, comments of the reviewers, declaration of academic integrity.
The outcomes of the paper. Production facilities of red wine using the following early grape species Rondo and Juodupe have been designed which annual production capacity is 20,000 liters. Appropriate raw materials and materials used for production have been selected in compliance with assessment of loss rate, demand and technological calculations.
Wine production low-chart has been designed, technological process including chemical and biochemical changes and possible wine defects have been presented. Upon completion of HACCP, the Critical Control P has been identified CCP – 1P rejection. Preventive measures have been taken to ensure level of hygiene by preparing necessary programmes.
According to the volume of production, main equipment has been selected: industrial scales, grape and stalk removal machine, filter, hydraulic press, fermentation and aging tanks, yeast reactivation tanks, tanks for grape marc storage, bottling line. Premises have been designed with a total area of 182.6 m2. Occupational safety requirements have been prepared.
Working hours scheduled: the company will work 5 days a week, one shift - 8 hours, staff required supervisor-technologist, two production workers, a quality manager and two cleaners.
Upon completion of the research project red wines from local grape species has been produced applying chaptalization method ( using sugar and different dessert grapes).
The volume of the paper. The paper consist of 54 pages, 8 tables, 45 literature sources and 15 appendixes. Keywords: chaptalisation, early grapes, technology, sugar.