Suprojektuotas alkoholinio gėrimo cechas, kuris gamina trauktines iš aviečių ir alavijo. Įmonės našumas – 100000 l/metus, abiejų rūšių trauktinių metinis gamybos našumas yra po 50000 l/metus. Pateikiamas aprašymas pagrindinių žaliavų ir naudojamų pagalbinių medžiagų. Atlikti metiniai sąnaudų išnaudojimo skaičiavimai. Pateikiama trauktinės gamybos technologinio proceso diagrama, jos aprašymas, cheminė / biocheminė analizė. Įvertinant rizikos veiksnius, esančius trauktinėje, nustatyti svarbūs valdymo taškai ir galimos jų valdymo priemonės. Parinkti ir trumpai charakterizuojami trauktinės gamybai reikalingi įrenginiai. Aprašomas žmogaus saugos ir sveikatos organizavimas trauktinės gamybos ceche, vadovaujantis įstatymais, darbuotojų saugos ir sveikatos norminiais dokumentais, teisės aktais. Visą trauktinės cechą sudaro 21 patalpa, kurių bendras plotas siekia 536 m2
Inga Šabunauskaitė. The production Shop of Bitters Containing Bioactive Components. The final paper. Scientific advisor: Aušra Šimonėlienė; Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies, Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018. The purpose of the paper: To create different flavors bitters by raspberries and aloe vera and to designed their production shop. The object of the paper: The bitters of raspberries and the bitter of the aloe vera. The structure of the paper: Bachelor's thesis consist of introduction, parts of theoretical and technological, evaluation of the financial and economic project and conclusions and suggestions. The results of the paper: The production shop of the alcohol are designed containing raspberries and aloe vera. The productivity of the company is 100000 liters per year. The capacity of the production of both types of bitters is 50000 liters per year. A schedule of work is one-day shift 8 hours per day and tipical 40 hours per week. The productivity of employees is 229 days per year. The total staff of a production shop is 5 employees – a laboratory worker, a warehouse keeper, 2 masters of production and a cleaner.There are submitted a discription of the main raw materials (an ethyl alcohol, raspberries, aloe, water, sugar) and auxiliary materials which are used (bottles of glass, stoppers of metal, labels of drinks etc.). The cost-benefit analysis are carried out. There is presented the technological process diagram of the manufacturing process, discription of it and chemical/biochemical analysis of process. The equipment of production of bitters are selected and described (machines of refrigerating, presses, containers of extracts, filters, lines of washing and bottling, etc.). As well as in the bachelor thesis are include discriptions of organization of human safety and health with reference to the laws, the normative documets of safety and health at work. The whole production shop has 21 rooms, which total area is 536 m2. All this project of alcoholic beverage is estimated at 669504,49 Eur. The volume of the paper: The paper includes 59 pages, 41 tables, 2 illustrations, 44 literature sources and 4 appendixes. Keywords: bitters, raspberries, aloe, bioactive materials, health.