Baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjamas RVASVT įdiegimas becukrės kvietinės duonos gamyboje. Pagamintas produktas, kuriam sudaryta srauto diagrama ir pagal jos technologinius etapus išanalizuoti rizikos veiksniai: biologiniai, cheminiai, fiziniai. Jiems sukontroliuoti sudarytos prevencinės priemonės. Nustatytas SVT ir pateiktas jo valdymo taškas. Aprašytos būtinosios programos vadovaujantis higienos normomis ir teisės aktais. Sudarytas tyrimų planas žaliavoms, gaminiui, geriamojo vandens kokybės įvertinimui ir pateikti kontrolės žurnalai naudojami įmonėje. Suprojektuota įmonė ir parengtas įmonės plano brėžinys
Greta Jodaugaitė. Implementation of HACCP System in Production of Sugar – free Wheat Bread. The final paper. Scientific advisor: Aušra Repečkienė; Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies, Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas 2018. The purpose of the paper: HACCP implementation and selection of alternative natural raw materials in production of sugar-free wheat bread. The object of the paper: production company of sugar – free wheat bread. The structure of the paper: introduction, theoretical part, mainpart, conclusions, recommendations and suggestions, literature and other informations sources, appendixes. The results of the paper: The product flow chart was constructed; the HACCP system was formed and the risk factors according to the technological steps: biological, physical, chemical risk factors were analysed. Preventive measures were prepared for control of identified risk factors. The CCP were identified and is control plan was prepared. Prerequisite programs are prepared in accordance with lastest food safety law. The research plan for the raw materials, the product, the quality of drinking water quality assessment and the provided control logs are used in the company. The constructed company has 245 work days per year, 5 days per week, after 8 hours. The produced result of 2000 kg of final product per single day. 490000 kg of bread are produced per year. In the production department 7 people comprise the main workforce, 2 additional workers and 2 specialists. Total company’s building covers 350,3 m2. The volume of the paper: the paper includes 44 pages, 8 tables, 1 iliustrations, 19 literature sources and 1 apendixes. Keywords: wheat bread, HACCP, sugar – free.