Išnagrinėjus įvairius mokslinius straipsnius susipažinta su prieskoniuose bei aromatinėse žolėse esančiomis naudingosiomis medžiagomis, aptariami juose esantys nepageidaujami mikroorganizmai ir pateikiamos priemonės jų neutralizavimui, analizuota saugos ir kokybės įgyvendinimo maisto įmonėse reikšmė. Buvo sudaryta medaus likerio srauto diagrama, kurią išanalizavus, identifikuotas svarbus valdymo taškas SVT1F – produkcijos brokavimas. Siekiant užtikrinti pakankamą higienos lygį numatytos 5 būtinosios programos, padedančios kontroliuoti įmonėje vykstančius procesus. Sudarytas žaliavų, pusgaminių kontrolės planas, numatantis savalaikius laboratorinius tyrimus. Įvertinant kryžminius srautus, suprojektuotas ir grafiškai pateiktas medaus likerio gamybos cechas, kuriame numatomas patalpų (sandėlių, gamybos, produkcijos išpilstymo, buitinės ir kt.) išplanavimas, pažymėtos žemos, vidutinės rizikos zonos, žaliavų, darbuotojų bei gatavos produkcijos judėjimo srautai. Bendras gamybos cecho plotas – 335,30 m2 . Apskaičiuotos medaus likerio gamyboje naudojamų žaliavų bei medžiagų sąnaudos (etilo alkoholio – 246031,75 l/metus, medaus – 90000 kg/metus ir kt.), numatyti gamybai būtini įrenginiai (talpyklos, svarstyklės, saikikliai, ekstraktorius, siurbliai). Atlikus ekonominį-finansinį projekto įvertinimą, apskaičiuotos tiesioginės ir netiesioginės gamybos išlaidos: 1 litro medaus likerio savikaina 4,54 Eur
Monika Meiliūnaitė. Implementation of Food Quality and Safety Requirements in Production of Honey Liqueur. The final paper. Scientific advisor: Aldona Sugintienė; Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies, Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018. The purpose of the paper: To provide quality and safety measures for the production of honey liqueur. The object of the paper: quality and safety project for the production of honey liqueur. The structure of the paper.Theoretical part (analysis of scientific articles), planning and realization of safe food production, financial and economic evaluation of the project, technological process diagram (drawing), conclusions, literature and other sources of information, appendixes. The results of the paper.The production department was designed, by presenting the measures that ensure the safety and quality of food, which plans to produce 500,000 liters per year for 40% vol., of the honey liqueur MEDUTIS. After analyzing various scientific articles, the useful substances in spices and aromatic herbs are familiarized, the undesirable microorganisms were discussed, the measures in order to neutralize them are provided, the significance of safety and quality in food establishments was analyzed. In the planning of the safe drink production, a diagram of the flow of honey liqueur was created, after analysis of wich, the physically important control point in production brokerage was identified. The routine measures in order to help by managing risks are foreseen. In order to ensure a sufficient level of hygiene, there are five essential programs that help to control the ongoing processes: reception of receptacles, maintenance of equipment, proper managing of the staff, regular sanitation maintenance. A plan for the control of raw materials, semifinished products and finished products has been prepared, by providing timely laboratory tests. In assessing cross flows, the production department of the honey liqueur production was designed and graphically presented, which includes layout of premises (warehouses, production, production bottles, households, etc.), high, medium and high risk areas, raw materials, workers and finished product flows. The total production area is 336 m2. The costs of raw materials and materials used in the manufacture of honey liqueurs (ethyl alcohol - 246031,75 l / year, honey - 90000 kg / year, etc.), equipment, necessary for production (containers, scales, connectors, pumps). After the economicfinancial evaluation of the project, the direct and indirect production costs are calculated: 1 liter of honey liqueur at a cost of 4,54 EUR. The volume of the paper. The paper includes 58 pages, 21 tables, 1 illustrations, 76 literature sources and 2 appendixes. Keywords: HACCP, spices, food safety and quality, alcoholic beverage, honey liqueur.