Baigiamajame darbe pateikta teorinė dalis ir naujausi pieno pramonės moksliniai tyrimai, aprašytos žaliavos ir medžiagos naudojamos varškės sūrio su šokolado gabaliukais gamyboje, sudaryta srauto diagrama ir trys savikontrolės maisto saugos ir kokybės tyrimų planai, pritaikyta maisto saugos rizikos veiksnių analizė ir valdymo priemonės varškės sūrio su šokolado gabaliukais gamyboje, sudarytas finansinis – ekonominis įvertinimas, suplanuoti technologiniai ištekliai ir infrastuktūra varškės sūrio su šokolado gabaliukais gamyboje. Pateiktos baigiamojo darbo išvados ir literatūros sąrašas
Viktorija Švedaitė. Determining the Requirements of Food Safety and Quality for Curd Cheese Production. The final paper. Scientific advisor: dr. Ernesta Trečiokienė; Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies, Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018. The purpose of the paper: to determine food safety and quality requirements for curd cheese with chocolate pieces production. The object of the paper: production department of curd cheese with chocolate pieces. The structure of the paper: 1. Theoretical part; 2. Planning and realization of safe food production 3. Financial and economic evaluation of the project; Conclusions/Recommendations and suggestions; Literature and other sources of information; Appendixes. The results of the paper: The possible defects and ways to remove them from curd cheese with chocolate pieces are described. The scientifical research about syneresis indices in cheese – making using NIR light backscatter, dairy curd coagulated by plant extract, explore genetic and environmental relationships of different measures of individual cheese yield and curd nutrients recovery, tried out phenotypic analysis of cheese yields and nutrient recoveries in the curd, as measured with an individual model cheese-manufacturing process, present microbial diversity of consumption milk during processing and storage, determine novel phenotypes related to the sensory profile of model cheeses, research
isothiocyanates (ITC) benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC) and allyl isothiocyanate (AITC) forming dithiocarbamates and thioureas in milk and curd are presented here. The raw materials and materials in curd cheese with chocolate pieces are described: used (72 %) black chocolate, (3% fat) milk, lean curd, lean milk leaven, (82.5% fat) butter. Also The materials used for packaging – cheesecloth, cardboard boxes, and polyethylene terephthalate films are described here (according to HN 16: 2011 requirements). The description of curd cheese with chocolate pieces is presented. The sensory parametres (shape, appearance, consistency, taste and smell, physical - chemical parameters (at least than 22% of fats; no more than 56% of moisture; no more than 210 °T acidity) are provided. The following data is given: packaging (cardboard boxes of 1 kg); storage conditions (in cold stores at 0 – 6 °C); expiration date (no more than 4 to 20 days); energy value 100 g - 1601 kJ / 382 kcal; marking (according to HN 119: 2014 requirements). The technological process flow diagrams for curd cheese with chocolate pieces is created: milk reception (at 6 – 10 °C ); milk pasteurization (87 ± 3 °C); curd and leaven filling into the milk (85 ± 2 °C); removal of whey (50 °T); self-compression – pressing (16 °C); mixing of additives (10 – 20 min); pressing of cheese (15 – 18 °C; 27 – 30 kPa); cheese cooling after the pressing (6 °C; 12 – 16 hours); cheese vacuuming (20 – 30 mbar); storage (+ 6 °C). HACCP analysis has been made: 3 CCP throughout the entire production process are foreseen: CCP – 1B (milk reception at 6 – 10 °C), CCP – 2B (pasteurization of milk at 87 ± 3 °C), CCP – 3B (storage +6 °C). 3 self-monitoring food safety research plans are composed: laboratory research plan for curd cheese, microbiological research plan for cheese production, microbiological research plan for environment. The production department of curd cheese with chocolate pieces is created. The necessary equipment is arranged: milk cooling tanks (VN – 600) capacity – 600 kg; pasteurizer (VDP – 650) productivity – 650 l; kettle (FLT – 100), productivity – 100 l; mixer (for accessories) (DGM – 15), productivity – 150 kg; packaking machine (IY – 400 E), productivity – 30 – 200 bags/ min. The areas and premises (auxiliary premises – 106,88 m2; production premises – 75,40 m2, warehouses – 72,71 m2) are selected. Common area premises are 286,74 m2. The financial – economic evaluation of curd cheese with chocolate pieses is accomplished: estimated cost per 1 kg curd cheese with chocolate pieses – 8,13 (Eur). The estimated price per 1 kg – 11,16 (Eur). The volume of the paper. The paper includes 49 pages, 17 tables, 1 illustrations, 46 literature sources and 2 appendixes. Keywords: curd, cheese, chocolate, safety.