Sumodeliuota rankų darbo migdolinių sausainių su kremu be glitimo gamyba, keinčiant dažniausiai gamyboje naudojamus kvietinius miltus į migdolų, kuriuose nėra glitimo, koreguojant technologinius parametrus: kepimo laiką, temperatūrą. Migdoliniai sausainiai buvo įvertinti jusliškai, nustatytas drėgnumas bei bendras produkto priimtinumas. Tyrimo metu pastebėta, kad tradiciniai Macarons migdoliniai sausainiai tiek juslinėmis savybėmis tiek išvaizda buvo patrauklesni nei migdoliniai sausainiai su sviestiniu kremu. Macarons sausainėlis lygaus, blizgaus paviršiaus, lengvai tirpstantis burnoje, migdolinio sausainio su sviestiniu kremu paviršius grublėtas, sunkiau valgosi yra kietesnis. Analizuojant kiekvieną gamybos pakopą buvo nustatyti biologiniai rizikos veiksniai SVT žaliavų priėmimo, laikymo ir gatavos produkcijos laikymo etapuose, jų valdymui buvo parinktos atitinkamos prevencinės priemonės. Ekonominėje – financinėje dalyje apskaičiuota gaminių savikaina, įvertinus tiesiogines ir netiesiogines išlaidas
Kristina Bobinienė. Technological solutions of hand-made gluten-free almond biscuits production. Final paper. Supervisor Aušra Repekienė; Kauno kolegija/University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies. Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018 The objective of the paper: to design facilities for the enterprise that will produce handmade almond biscuits with gluten-free cream. The subject of the paper: Macarons (almond biscuits) with chocolate cream and butter cream. The structure of the paper: Introduction, theoretical part, technological part, financial - economic evaluation of the project, conclusions. The structure of the paper: the production facilities for handmade almond biscuits with gluten-free cream have been designed by replacing commonly used wheat flour with gluten-free, and adjusting certain parameters: cooking time and temperature. The sensory analysis has been carried out and moisture and product acceptability has been determined. The study identified that traditional macarons have been more appealing than macarons with butter cream in terms of sensory analysis and appearance. The surface of traditional macarons is smooth, glossy, and melts in a mouth, while the surface of macarons with butter cream is rough and hard to chew. Upon completion of the production analysis, Critical Control Points (CCP) have been identified in the following stages of production: reception of raw material, storage and finished product storage. Appropriate preventive measures have been taken to minimise the potential risk. The economic- financial part deals with the cost of products after having assessed direct and indirect costs: almond biscuits– €35,00/kg, almond biscuits with butter cream – €28,00/kg. The volume of the paper. The paper consists of 44 pages, 11 tables, 2 iliustration, 4 apendixes. Keywords: technology, almond flour, gluten-free.