Projektuojamas šaltalankių ir obuolių sidro cechas, kuris pagamina 10000 l sidro per metus. Cechas dirba penkis mėnesius per metus po 8 valandas per pamainą. Per vieną dieną pagaminama 164l sidro iš 200kg obuolių, 128kg šaltalankių, 31,16kg cukraus, mielių, fermentų, maistingųjų medžiagų ir skaidrinančių medžiagų. Gamybos technologija susideda iš žaliavų paruošimo, vaisių plovimo, smulkinimo, sulčių spaudimo, maišymo, fermentavimo, filtavimo ir išpilstymo į tarą. Fermentacijai įvykti reikalingos dvi savaitė. Po pasterizavimo sidrą reikia laikyti vėsioje ir tamsioje patalpoje. Savikaina pagaminti šį sidrą yra 3,13 Eur
Justė Večerkauskaitė. Production company of sea buckthorn and apple cider. The final paper. Supervisor dr.Assoc.Prof. Aušra Šimonėlienė; Kauno kolegija/University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies, Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018. The objective of the paper: To design sea buckthorn and apple cider production facilities. The subject of the paper: Sea Buckthorn and apple sider The structure of the paper. The paper consists of introduction, theoretical part, technological part, financial-economic assessment of the project, conclusions/ recommendations, list of references. The outcomes of the paper. Sea buckthorn and apple cider company which annual production capacity is 10000 litres of cider has been designed. It has been estimated that the company will work five months a year and will employ two employees (8 hour shift). 164 litres of cider will be produced per shift out of 200 kg of apples, 128 kg of sea buckthorn, 31.16 kg of sugar, yeast, ferment, nutrients and clarification materials. A technological flow diagram has been developed and analysed starting from reception of raw material, preparation, washing of apples, fruit crushing, juice pressing, mixing, fermentation, filtration, and bottling into 0,5 l bottles. It has been estimated that two weeks will be required for fermentation process. After pasteurization, cider will be stored in cool and dark place. The cider produced in the company is natural, without any synthetic dyes, and without additive sugar. After carrying out financial-economic assessment of the project, the prime-cost of cider has been determined € 3.7/1 litre. The volume of the paper. The paper consists of 43 pages, 12 tables, 7 illustrations, 13 literature sources and 3 appendix. Keywords: Sea buckthorn, apple, fermentation, company.