Baigiamajame darbe sukurtas produktas - tortas „Aksominis duetas“ pagal tradicines gamybos technologijas, atsisakius sintetinių maisto priedų. Ištyrus gaminį galima, teigti, kad jo kaloringumas yra 4619,4 kJ/100 g, drėgmė 21,65 proc. bei sausųjų medžiagų 78,35 proc., juslinės ir skoninės savybės išsiskiriančios iš kitų gaminių. Gaminio laikymas 4-6 °C, galiojimo laikas 5 paros. Torto per metus pagaminama 57600 kg, 240 kg per pamainą
Vaida Jurgelaityte. Production of the torte Aksominis duetas. The final paper. Supervisor Svajune Garmuviene; Kauno kolegija/University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies, Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018. The objective of the paper: to create a recipe for the torte Aksominis duetas based on poppy biscuit, meringue and caramel cream using traditional technological solutions. The subject of the paper: Production technology of the torte Aksominis duetas using traditional method. The structure of the paper. Title page, task of the final paper, summary, content, list of tables and pictures, introduction, theoretical part, technological part, conclusions / recommendations and suggestions, literature and other sources of information, appendices, comments of reviewers, academic integrity declaration. The outcomes of the paper. The torte Aksominis duetas has been created. After carrying out the sensory analysis, to state that its calorie content is 4619.4 kJ / 100 g, moisture content is 21.65 (percent) and dry matter content is 78.35 (percent)it is possible to claim that the product sufficiently caloric, odour and flavour properties differentiate it from other products. Storage of the product at 46 ° C and shelf life of 5 days. The cake produces 57,600 kg a year 240 shifts. The volume of the paper. The paper consists of 68 pages, 28 tables, 1 illustration, 41 literature sources and 12 appendixes. Keywords: Torte, Biscuit, Cream, Traditional Method.