Chalvos gamybai pritaikytas RVASVT diegimas. Taikomas ISO 22000 tarptautinis standartas. Sudaryta chalvos gamybos technologija, kurią sudaro: žaliavų priėmimas, laikymas, paruošimas, saulėgrąžų skrudinimas - malimas, karamelės virimas, baltymų plakimas ir maišymas, visų priedų sudėjimas, masės užmaišymas, fasavimas, pakavimas, sandėliavimas. Aprašyti visi galimi maisto saugos rizikos veiksniai ir nustatytos jų valdymo bei prevencinės priemonės. Taip pat įvertinti rizikos veiksniai planuojant patalpas, kad būtų išvengta kryžminės taršos, nustatytos saugumo zonos. Išanalizuoti įmonėje vykdomi procesai bei kontrolė, nustatyti už tai atsakingi asmenys, pildomi dokumentai. Taikomos būtinosios programos. Sudaryti finansiniai – ekonominiai skaičiavimai. Apskaičiuota gaminio savikaina už kilogramą yra 4,26 eurai. Parinkta reikiama įranga gamybai. Atsižvelgus į visus reikalavimus, suprojektuotas chalvas gamybos įmonės planas
Giedrė Jankauskaitė. Implementation of Food Safety Management System in Halva Production Company. The final paper. Scientific advisor; Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies, Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018 The purpose of the paper: to implement a food safety management system in a halva production company, while applying the ISO 22000 standard. The object of the paper: sunflower bars with egg white, dried cranberries, chia seeds and cherry syrup. The structure of the paper. The theoretical part; Planning and realization of safe food production; Descriptions of raw materials, ingredients and packaging materials; Product description; The flow chart of food processing technology; Food safety risk analysis and application of their management tools; Space planning, regarding cross-contamination and food safety risk factors; The control of the processes and products in the company; The financial and economic evaluation of the project; Conclusions; List of references; Appendixes. The results of the paper. The theoretical part analyzes the raw materials used in the production of chalks and the requirements of the international standard. The main raw material is sunflower seeds, which contain high levels of fatty acids, proteins, amino acids, and vitamin E. Chia seeds are enriched with omega-3 fatty acids and contain a large amount of proteins and minerals. The product description contains all the essential information about the product: composition, properties, packaging, storage conditions. The production of halva technology consists of: raw material reception, storage, preparation, sunflower roasting - grinding, caramel cooking, protein mixing, the addition of additives, the mixing of the ingredients to form one substance, prepacking, packaging and storage. All the possible food safety risk factors and their management and preventive measures are described. In addition, the risk factors for planning the premises are assessed in order to avoid cross-contamination. All the processes and the control of the company are analysed, people are assigned to retain control and look after the processes and documents are filled out as well. Financial -economic calculations are made. The estimated cost per kilo of the product is 4.26 Euros. Required programs are applied. The equipment necessary for the production of chalet has been chosen. In order to avoid potential cross-contamination, premises for the production of halves have been designed.
The volume of the paper. The paper includes 43 pages, 11 tables, 1 illustrations, 74 literature sources and 23 appendixes. Keywords: Halva, food safety, risk factors, sunflower seeds