Profesinio bakalauro baigiamajame darbe pateikiama personalo vadybos samprata ir svarba tiek Lietuvoje, tiek užsienyje, darbuotojų paieškos pagrindiniai aspektai ir atrankos organizavimo metodai, jų praktinis ir teorinis pritaikymas organizacijos veikloje. Grafiškai pateikiami ir aprašomi analizuojamos įmonės tyrimo rezultatai apie naudojamus darbuotojų paieškos ir atrankos metodus, kokie etapai atliekami personalo planavimo metu, siekiant atrinkti tinkamiausią darbuotojo siūlomoms pareigoms užimti. Pateikiami pasiūlymai UAB „Poldma“ darbuotojų paieškos ir atrankos proceso tobulinimui. Sudaromas rekomenduojamas darbo pokalbio klausimynas, išskiriami penki atrankos etapai ir siūlomi jų gerinimo būdai, kurie padėtų įmonei įdarbinti tik pačius geriausius ir tinkamiausius kandidatus. Atliktame darbe buvo ištirti paieškos ir atrankos procesų metodai, jų privalumai ir trūkumai. Atliktas tyrimas, siekiant nustatyti UAB „Poldma“ darbuotojų atrankos organizavimo tobulinimo galimybes. Sudarytas penkių etapų gerinimo modelis. Darbuotojų paieškos ir atrankos procesui gerinti siūloma sudaryti praplėsti darbuotojų paieškas socialinėje erdvėje, sudaryti nestandartinių užduočių planą, klausimyną ir organizuoti individualius atrankos pokalbius.
Profesinio bakalauro baigiamąjį darbą sudaro 56 puslapiai, 9 lentelės, 18 paveikslų, 25 literatūros ir informacijos šaltiniai, 3 priedai.
Simona Ladygaitė. Professional BA thesis. Employee recruitment and selection analysis in UAB Poldma. Supervisor Lecturer Lina Kupstienė. Kauno Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Administration. - Kaunas, 2018. 56 pages.
In today’s society, the success of any organization or company depends on viable employees, their respective competencies and motivation. In order for the organization to achieve it’s goals and high production it is necessary to attract valuable human recourses and to properly carry out personnel search and selection.
Outlined work problem: due to improper use of job search and selection techniques, skilled workers are not recruited; employee turnover is increasing, which is a loss for the company. Is the employee search and selection process at UAB Poldma is carried out properly?
The purpose of the work has been defined as analysis of search and selection processes of UAB Poldma company employees, gathering suggestions for improvement of the organizations personnel search and selection. Methods that were used: analyzing employee search and selection processes, comparative analysis of scientific literature, structured interviews, survey. The work consists of three main parts:
The first part presents the concept and importance of personnel management both in Lithuania and abroad, the main aspects of employee search and selection methods, their practical and theoretical application in the organization's activities.
The second part graphically presents and describes the results of the analysis of the researched company, study methods that employers use and the selection of the steps that are being taken during the planning of the personnel in order to select the most suitable candidate. Also in this part study is summarizing the regional manager and staff responses.
The third part contains suggestions for improvement of the search and selection process for UAB Poldma. A recommended job interview questionnaire is organized, five selection steps are identified and suggested as ways to improve it, which will help the company to recruit only the best and most suitable candidates.
Study explores the methods of search and selection processes of employees, their advantages and disadvantages. The research was carried out in order to determine the possibilities of improving the the employee selection processes of UAB Poldma. A five-step improvement model has been created.
Study conducted in order to improve the staff search and selection process. Study proposes to expand the search for employees in the social sphere, draw up a non-standard task plan, gather a questionnaire, plan individual interview selections.
The professional bachelor study consists of 56 pages, 9 tables, 18 paintings, 25 literature and information sources, 3 attachments.