Teorinėje dalyje yra aprašyti gaminamo vyno produktai bei rizikos veiksniai, kurie gali pasitaikyti gaminant produktą. Darbo metu buvo pasiekti darbo rezultatai ir uždaviniai.
1. Aprašytas gaminamas produktas;
2. Apskaičiuoti obuolių vyno su cinamonu pagrindiniai technologiniai parametrai;
3. Nustatyti vyno gamybą lemiantys rizikos veiksniais;
4. Nustatyti ir aprašyti svarbių valdymo taškų kritinės ribos;
5. Nustatyti vyno gamybą lemiantys svarbūs valdymo taškai.
Parenkta gamybos technologinė schema, identifikuoti vyno gamyboje atsirandantys rizikos veiksniai, bei parengtas jiems valdymo priemonių planas
Agnė Zaboraitė.Hazard Management Means, that Determine the Production Safety and Quality of Apple Wine with Cinnamon.The final paper.Scientific advisor: assistant Vilma Bendžiuvienė. Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies, Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018.
The purpose of the paper:to develop the technological scheme of production, identification of emerging risks in the production of wine and draw up measures to control them. The object of the paper:Apple wine with cinnamon. The structure of the paper.Introduction, theoretical part, planning and realization of safe food production, financial and economic evaluation of the project, conclusions / recommendations and suggestions, literature and other sources of information. The results of the paper.In the final work the designed production facilities are presented in order to avoid cross-contamination, the analysis of risk factors and important control points has been performed, their management tools are provided. Financial-economic evaluation is performed. A plan for the apple wine production department and the selected equipment are provided. A description of raw materials and recipient components have been prepared. The technological flow diagram and technological process description are presented. The work was developed using the analysis of information sources. The volume of the paper.The work consists of pages 35, table 15, paintings 2, reference 28, annex 2. Keywords: apple wine, cinnamon, safety and quality, management tools, risk factors.