Senstanti oda praranda savo pagrindines funkcijas, todėl organizmas daug silpniau apsaugomas nuo įvairių sužeidimų, į jį daug lengviau gali patekti mikroorganizmai. Senėjančioje odoje labai dažnai gali atsirasti organizmui itin kenksmingos ligos, kaip alergija ar vėžys. Dar viena labai svari priežastis skatinanti moteris saugoti odą yra tai, kad senėjanti oda atrodo labai neestetiškai ir verčia moteris jausti stresą ir nepasitenkinimą. Veiksniai, darantys įtaką odos senėjimo procesui yra vidiniai ir išoriniai.
Topic relevance: Skin is the main barrier protecting the body from mechanical, physical, chemical injuries and microorganisms negative effects. In order to perform this function the skin needs to be healthy and elastic. Over time, the skin loses moisture, it starts getting dry, wrinkled, begins to age. Throughout this process, which is strongly influenced by the peculiarities of the age, lifestyle, eating habits, various endocrine diseases, environmental pollution, UV radiation. The author decided to choose this topic because of one of the primary skin's problems - aging. This problem is relevant beautician work, there are many cosmetic products and procedures for its decision. Most of the clients who visit to beauticians, seek not only to solve some problems of the skin, but also slow down the aging process. It is important to correct the signs of aging that already exist and also prevent it from aging to slow down this proces. For this reason it is very important to give information for persons about their skin type, condition and skin care. The aim: to find out customers opinion about the aging process, the factors influencing it and its prevention. Work tasks: 1. Theoretically explain the process of aging skin and its factors; 2. Describe skin care products that slowing down the skin aging; 3. Disclose customers opinion about the aging process, the factors influencing it and its prevention. The research methodology. The study was conducted in 2018 March - April. Questionnaires were handed out in the beauty salon in Kaunas, female customers were asked to fill them out anonymously. There were 80 respondents of questionnaires. Data processed and graphically depicted using Microsoft Office program Microsoft Excel. The results and conclusions. The investigation showed that the most of the surveyed respondents visiting a beautician 1 -3 times a year and trying to take care of their skin. A large proportion of respondents accept the aging process as a natural and stress-free process, but there are women who feel unethical and constantly experiencing discomfort.The respondents know how/when the signs of the aging skin start to appear. They named that aging starts at 30 years old, on the surface of the skin there is increased wrinkles, reducing its elasticity, cramp appears. Also claim that they need to stop the aging process as early as possible, but they do not know what factors and what formulation restores the balance of the skin and prevents skin aging. The majority of respondents think that only correct cosmetic measures to reduce the aging of the skin are enough, but they are not aware of the beneficial effects of the apparatus and the injection procedure.