Norėdamos neatsilikti nuo sparčiai besikeičiančios rinkos, organizacijos siekia tobulėti, kad pranoktų ir konkurentus. Pastebima, jog siekiant geresnių veiklos rezultatų, svarbu atsižvelgti į organizacijos kultūros kūrimą, puoselėjimą. Deramai suformuota organizacijos kultūra didina darbuotojų lojalumą organizacijai, daro poveikį jų našumui. Deja, dažnai organizacijos neįvertina organizacijos kultūros reikšmės, neskirdamos pakankamai dėmesio organizacijos kultūros vystymui bei formavimui ir tai padaro organizaciją silpną.
Laura Bagdanavičiūtė. Professional BA thesis. The Organizational Culture Impact on Employee Performance Results in UAB Advantus. Supervisor Lecturer Daiva Urmonienė. Kauno Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Administration. – Kaunas, 2018. 47 pages.
Study description. In order to keep pace with the rapidly changing market, organizations are striving for excellence to outperform their competitors. It has been noted that for the sake of better performance, it is important to take into account the creation of the organization’s culture and its fostering. Properly formed organizational culture increases employee loyalty to the organization, affects their productivity. Unfortunately, organizations often fail to appreciate the importance of organizational culture without paying enough attention to the development and formation of the organization’s culture, which makes the organization weak.
Study problem. In recent years, organizations have devoted little attention to the development of the organization’s culture, not realizing that organizational culture is one of the key factors affecting the performance of employees.
Study objective. Having identified the impact of organizational culture on the performance of employees, to submit proposals for the improvement of the culture of UAB Advantus.
Study methods. scientific literature analysis, questionnaire survey, semi structured interview.
Study structure. The thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions, suggestions, references and annexes. The first chapter describes the concept of organizational culture, factors shaping organizational culture and its impact on employee performance. The second chapter describes the characteristics of the organization, presents the research methodology and results. The third chapter provides recommendations to improve the culture of the organization, which can be assumed that it will help achieve better performance.
Study results. After the research, it revealed that the organizational culture of UAB Advantus was not strong enough and could have a negative impact on performance. Therefore, it is recommended that managers of the organization pay more attention to the formation of culture in order to achieve better performance.
Suggestions/ recommendations. To encourage employees with bonuses, to help raise their qualification, to pay more attention to introduction of goals, values, etc.
The professional BA thesis consists of: 47 pages, 7 tables, 12 figures, 40 references and sources of information, 2 annexes.