Suprojektuotas pasukų gamybos cechas, jo našumas - 3000 kg pasukų per pamainą ir sukurtas naujas produktas - pasukų jogurtiniai valgomieji ledai. Pagal nustatytą našumą gamybai apskaičiuotos žaliavos: 3000 kg 0,4 % riebumo pasukų, 75 kg lieso pieno miltelių, 769 kg bananų tyrės su fruktoze, 692 kg šokoladinio glaisto. Atliktas tiriamasis darbas, kurio metu įvertinti pasukų jogurtinių valgomųjų ledų: kontrolinio be papildomų ingredientų, su 20 % bananų ir 5 % fruktozės bei su 20 % kriaušių ir 5 % fruktozės, kokybiniai ir jusliniai rodikliai. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad mėginiuose su papildomais ingredientais titruojamais rūgštingumas mažesnis lyginant su kontroliniu. Sausų medžiagų kiekis didžiausias kontroliniame mėginyje (18,452 %). Mažiausias pelenų kiekis nustatytas kontrolinio mėginio (0,100 %), didžiausias su bananais - fruktoze (0,466 %). Didžiausias ištirpęs svoris buvo mėginiuose su bananais - fruktoze 11,46 g. Kiečiausi valgomieji ledai su kriaušėmis 184,07 N, o minkščiausi su bananais 108,61 N. Atlikus juslinę analizę, vertintojams labiausiai priimtinas mėginys su bananais – fruktoze. Gamyboje nustatyti du svarbūs valdymo taškai: SVT-1 B (mišinio pasterizavimas ir atšaldymas), SVT-2B (pasukų jogurto atšaldymas, brandinimas). Parinkti įrenginiai pagal našumą ir pagal tai apskaičiuota, kad visam pasukų gamybos cechui reikalingas 648 m2 ploto pastatas. Įvertinti projekto ekonominiai – finansiniai rodikliai: pasukų jogurtinių valgomųjų ledų 1 kg savikaina 2,8333 Eur
Indrė Silkauskaitė. Production Shop of Buttermilk Products. The final paper. Scientific advisor: Ilona Šostakienė; Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies, Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018. The purpose of the paper: to project production shop of buttermilk products and create new production recipe. The object of the paper: buttermilk yoghurt - ice cream The structure of the paper. Introduction, theoretical part, technological part, financial economic evaluation of the project, conclusions, literature and other sources of information. The results of the paper. Production shop of buttermilk products which production capacity is 3000 kg of buttermilk a shift has been designed and created new product such as buttermilk yoghurt ice-cream. According to the production capacity established, the raw material for the production is 3000 kg of 0.4 % fat of buttermilk, 75 kg of skimmed milk powder, 769 kg of banana puree with fructose, 692 kg of chocolate glaze. A technological flow diagram has been developed and analysed starting with reception of buttermilk at 4 ± 6 oC, mixture blending at 37 ± 40 oC and pasteurisation at 87 oC keeping it 10 ± 15 s, the fermentation of the mixture at 42 ± 43 oC for 3-4 hours, aging at 8 oC for 12 hours, freezing -2,3 ± 4,5 oC, forming, chilling -25 ± 37 oC, coating, pre-packing, packaging, and ending with storage at -18 oC.Upon completion of the project, the qualitative and sensory analysis has been carried out to determine characteristics of yoghurt ice cream samples: control without added ingredients, with 20 % bananas and 5 % fructose, 20 % pears and 5 % fructose.The research showed that the titratable acidity in samples with supplementary ingredients was lower compared to the control, which was influenced by the acidity of bananas and pears. The highest total soluble solids is in the control sample (18,452 %). The amount of ash in the control sample is the smallest (0,100 %), with banana-fructose - the highest 0,466%. The maximum melted weight has been found in samples with bananas 11.46 g. The hardest ice cream with pears 184,07 N and the softest with bananas 108,61 N. Following a sensory analysis, the mostacceptable sampleis with banana for its intense smell, taste, colour and softer consistency of the ingredients. For better quality and sensory characteristics, ice-cream with banana has been selected. Two Critical Control Points of the production of buttermilk yoghurt ice cream have been identified as follows: CCP-1 B (mixture pasteurization and cooling), CCP-2B (mixture of buttermilk yoghurt cooling and ageing).The equipment has been selected in compliance with the capacity, and it is estimated area required for the entire production shop of buttermilk productsis 648 m2. The evaluation of financial economic index of the production shop of buttermilk products: the cost price per 1 kg of buttermilk of yoghurt ice cream is 2,8333 EUR.
The volume of the paper. The paper includes 54 pages, 21 tables, 11 illustrations, 63 literature sources and 7 appendixes. Keywords: buttermilk, yoghurt, ice-cream, banana, fructose.