Viena iš pasaulyje išpopuliarėjusių komunikacijos priemonių – istorijų pasakojimas (angl.
Story-telling), kuriuo siekiama pritraukti žinutės gavėjo dėmesį, su juo susitapatinti, iššaukti
atitinkamą emociją. Lietuvoje tai yra naujas ir pasak autorių – dar mažai atrastas ir taikomas metodas.
Tačiau sekant pasaulio rinką užkariavusių prekės ženklų komunikacijos pavyzdžius, galima daryti
prielaidą, kad gerai sukurta istorija gali labiau paveikti, įsiminti, o komunikuojama žinutė – pasiekti
savo gavėją ir palikti įspūdį.
The past two decades can be seen as a time of technological development and establishment
in the world. From the end of the last century to the present day, technology and digitalization are
evolving at an unprecedented rate - countless companies and their processes have moved to computers
and phones, with most people starting and ending their day at the computer screen. One of the most
popular means of communication in the world is story-telling, which aims to attract the attention of
the recipient of the message, to identify with him, to evoke the corresponding emotion. In Lithuania,
this is a new and, according to specialists, little discovered and applied method. However, following
the examples of brand communication that has conquered the global market, it can be assumed that a
well-designed story can be more influential, memorable, and the message communicated can reach
its recipient and leave an impression.