Sukurtos dvejų keksų receptūros: keksas su kondensuotu pienu kuris jau yra rinkoje ir yra populiarus vaikų tarpe, pagal kurio receptūrą buvo sukurta keksui su cukinija ir obuoliu. Ištyrus gaminius su kalorimetru paaiškėjo, kad sukurtas naujas gaminys yra mažiau kaloringas, jo kaloringumas yra 292,33 kcal/100g. Taip pat sukurtas keksas turi geras skonines savybes, tekstūra drėgna. Atlikus ekonominius skaičiavimus paaiškėjo, kad sukurto kekso savikaina yra mažesnė (4,09 Eur.), nei jau rinkoje esančio kekso (5,55 Eur.)
Deimantė Gudaitytė. Creation of new cupcake recipes. The final paper. Supervisor: Leonardas Daunoravičius; Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies, Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018. The objective of the paper: to create new cupcake recipes introducing raw materials that reduce caloric value of the product. The subject t of the paper: cupcakes The structure of the paper. title page, task of the final paper, summary, table of contents, list of tables and pictures, introduction, theoretical part, technological part, conclusions / recommendations and suggestions, literature and other sources of information, appendices, comments of the reviewers, academic integrity declaration. The outcomes of the paper. Created two cupcake recipes: cupcake with a condensed milk are popular around children, according to which the recipe was created for a cupcake with zucchini and apple. After examining the products with a calorimeter, it turned out that the newly created product is less caloric, its calorific value is 292.33 kcal / 100g. Also, the created cupcake has good flavor properties, the texture is wet. After making economic calculations, it turned out that the cost of the created bucket is lower (4,09 Eur.) than the already existing cupcake (5,55 Eur.). The volume of the paper. The paper includes 44 pages, 21 tables, 3 illustrations, 27 literature sources and 3 appendixes. Keywords: cupcake, new, healthy, nutritional value.