Riebi veido oda yra viena iš dažniausiai pasitaikančių. Suaktyvėjus lytinių liaukų veiklai, daugelio žmonių oda paprastai tampa riebi. Dėl riebalų pertekliaus kaltas vyriškas lytinis hormonas testosteronas. Simptomai charakterizuojantys riebią veido odą: išsiplėtusios poros, padidėjęs riebalų išskyrimas (riebalinis odos blizgesys arba riebalais užkimštos poros) ir juodi taškeliai (inkštirai). Visi šie simptomai sukelia nemalonius pojūčius daugeliui žmonių ir ypač tiems, kuriems labiau rūpi jų išvaizda ir aplinkinių nuomonė. Dažniausia riebios veido odos sukeliama liga yra aknė, kuri yra nustatoma net 80% 13-25 metų amžiaus žmonių ir iki 15% bendroje populiacijoje. Riebi veido oda yra aktuali problema, kuri turi įtakos tiek emocinei, tiek socialinei žmogaus būsenai ir keičia jo gyvenimo kokybę. Žmogus vengia bendravimo su aplinkiniais, nepasitiki savimi, jaučia gėdą bei susierzinimą. Esant tokiai opiai problemai yra ir įvairių sprendimo būdų, tam naudojamos kosmetikos priemonės, klasikinės bei aparatinės veido procedūros.
D. Pilkauskaite‘s final bachelor thesis „Women and men opinion on problems caused by oily skin, they impact on quality of life and solutions.“ Bachelor thesis adviser dr Nijole Zinkeviciene; Kaunas college, Faculy of Medicine, Department of Cosmetology. Kaunas, 2018. Relevance of the topic. The skin of many young people becomes oily due to sebaceous glands increased activity. The male sex hormone testosterone is guilty for excess fat. Symptoms of oily skin: enlarged pores, increased fats secretion (greasy skin gloss or grase clogged pores) and black dots (blackheads). (Tan & Bhate, 2015). Oily skin is a comon problem which affects both emotional and social conditions of human and changes the quality of his life. (Zauli ir kt., 2014). The aim. To reveal women and men opinion on problems caused by oily skin, they impact on quality of life and solutions. The objectives: 1. To describe problems caused by oily skin. 2. To describe cosmetic products and procedures to solve oily skin problems. 3. To identify women and men opinion on problems caused by oily skin, they impact on quality of life and solutions. The methods and subjects of research. The research was conducted in Kaunas and Birzai in May 2018. A written survey was conducted. A questionnaire which consists 18 questions was prepared for the survey. At the beginning respondents were introduced with research thesis and aim and that the research is anonymous. Respondents were informed that their anonymity will be saved and the answers received will be used for the purpose of the final bachelor's work. 100 people were involved in the study, both women and men because the study wants to know the attitudes of both sexes. Results: The study involved almost twice as many women (62) as men (33) with oily skin. Main problems plaguing respondents: oily, shyny face, acne. Half of the respondents use products for oily skin care and usually does it once a day. The most popular place of purchase – pharmacy. Only 19% of the respondents visits cosmetologist, although 51% of them claim that such a condition of the facial skin affects their mood. The main emotions experienced by respondents with oily facial skin problems were: discomfort and distrust of themselves, as well as a significant number of people referred to feel tension and shame.
Conclusions: 1. Oily facial skin causes both physical and psychological problems. Due to excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, the accumulated excess fat is responsible for the formation of comedones. Having oily skin occurs common illnesses such as acne or seborrheic dermatitis. There also occurs various mental disorders: depression, poor self-esteem, stress or social isolation. 2. It is advisable to choose products that are specifically designed for oily facial skin, use cleansers and scrubs to remove excess fat. Effective procedures and apparatus for oily skin treatment are: mechanical face cleansing, ultrasonic peeling, darsonval. 3. In the study respondents who have experienced a problems with oily facial skin admits that they facing various emotions: discomfort, distrust of themselves, shame, tension, tiredness because their mood is often influenced by appearance (condition of the face). Although the respondents admitted to having problems, but almost half of them do not use special products to improve the condition of their facial skin. Most respondents who care for their facial skin use special products often - once a day or once a week, but these products only temporarily improve the condition of the facial skin. It should be noted that respondents very rarely use professional cosmetologist services (i.e., according to the results of the research, most respondents visited a cosmetologist once in half a year). It shows, that people, although they are negatively affected by the effects of oily skin on their well-being and mood, do not take enough care of their skin condition