Vartotojai vis dažniau domisi produktų sudėtimi, tad šiuo metu labiausiai ieškoma produktų, pagamintų iš viso grūdo miltų, kurie pagerina galutinio produkto maistinę vertę, ypatingai praturtina maistinėmis skaidulomis. Baigiamojo darbo metu sukurtos dvi ruginės viso grūdo miltų duonos su natūraliais priedais rūšys be pridėtinių mielių, kurioms pagaminti naudojamas spontaninis raugas. Duonos skonines savybes pagerina naudojami priedai: šokoladas, liofilizuotos avietės bei kanapių sėklos. Kanapių sėklos pasižymi gausiu nesočiųjų riebalų rūgščių (ω-6-linolo ir α-3-linoleno) kiekiu, lengvai virškinamais baltymais (edestino ir albumino), skaidulinėmis medžiagomis. Tiriamojo darbo metu parinkti technologiniai parametrai, nustatytas duonos, drėgmė, įvertinta juslinė analizė
Agnė Kšanauskaitė. Production of whole-grain rye flour bread. The final paper. Supervisor dr. Svajūnė Garmuvienė; Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies, Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018. The objective of the paper: to create new types of whole grain rye bread using dark chocolate, freeze-dried freeze-dried raspberries and hemp seeds, without added yeast. The subject of the paper: whole-grain rye bread with dark chocolate and freeze-dried raspberries, whole grain rye bread with dark chocolate and hemp seeds. The structure of the paper: introduction, theoretical part, technological part, financial and economic evaluation of the project, conclusions / recommendations and suggestions, literature and other sources of information. The outcomes of the paper. Consumers’ interest in the composition of products is growing and it results in the search for whole grain products. The whole grain flour is characterised by increased nutritional value, dietary fibre. Two recipes for whole grain rye bread without added yeast using natural additives and leaven have been developed. To improve taste of the bread the following ingredients have been used such as chocolate, freeze-dried raspberries and hemp seeds. Hemp seeds have been chosen for essential fatty acids (linoleic acid (omega-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega3)), easily digested proteins (edistin and albumin), dietary fibre. Technological parameters have been selected, and the caloric value of the bread (whole grain rye bread with dark chocolate and freeze-dried raspberries - 230,27 kcal/100 g and whole grain rye bread with dark chocolate and hemp seeds - 246,37 kcal/100 g) has been estimated along with the moisture content (55,40 % and 53,07 %) and the sensory analysis has been carried out. As the result whole-grain rye flour bread with chocolate and hemp seeds has been produced. As the economic-financial assessment show, the product will be profitable The volume of the paper. The paper consists of 43 pages, 21 tables, 4 illustrations, 36 literature sources and 2 appendixes. Keywords: bread, whole grain rye flour, leaven, whole grain flour.