Pagrindiniai darbuotojų kartų skirtumai siejami su motyvacija. Skirtingi darbuotojai turi savitą požiūrį ir vertybes, kuriomis vadovaujasi dirbdami. Ištyrus X kartos ir Y kartos charakteristikas bei motyvavimo ypatumus darbo srityje, galima pagerinti darbinius santykius, darbo kokybę, rezultatus bei atmosferą darbe.
Gailutė Jonavičiūtė. X and Y generation employee motivation peculiarities in UAB Gama. Supervisor Lecturer Jolanta Mizeikytė. Kauno Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Administration. - Kaunas, 2018. 57 pages.
In contemporary economic, political or social issues and event, there are hearings about the main problem is the different types of motivation for generations. The main differences between generations associated with motivation. Different employees have their own attitudes and values, which are guided by their work. Examining characteristics of the generation X and generation Y in the field of work can improve working relationship, work quality, results and work atmosphere.
The main problem of the (professional BA thesis) – In the company different generations working create situations that require understanding of each generations characteristic. The gist of the problem is, what are the X and Y generations motivation features revealed in working life?
The aim of the (professional BA thesis) – The analysis peculiarities of motivation, submit offers for motivation measures X and Y generation of workers in UAB Gama.
Methods of the (professional BA thesis) – Scientific literature analysis, questionnaire survey, interviews, assessment method, quantitative and qualitative data analysis.
The structure – The theoretical part discusses the concept and means of motivation, analyzes scientific literature and distinguishes the main differences of these generations the chapters of the work are described. The practical part of the work description the company, research method is selected and results are analyzed. The design part presents solutions based on theoretical and analytical result. Conclusions and recommendations.
Different generations motivation ensure smooth cooperation, realizes the strengths of each generation and maintains stability. All generations have motivation features, using motivation measures to realize the goals of the company. To achieve productive work and a better working environment, needful for the company to assess motivation measures, communication and qualifications.
The work consists of 57 pages, 10 tables, 17 pictures, 43 references and sources of information, 3 appendices.