Pabėgėlių tema yra aktuali dėl pasaulyje vykstančių karinių konfliktų, Lietuva taip pat jau 20 metų priima pabėgėlius. Užsieniečiai, kuriems suteiktas prieglobstis, tampa visuomenės dalimi. Lietuvoje pabėgėliams teikiamos būtinos socialinės, sveikatos priežiūros, teisinės paslaugos bei lietuvių kalbos kursai. Integracija Lietuvos Respublikoje įgyvendinama dviem etapais, pirminis etapas įgyvendinamas pabėgėlių priėmimo centre, antrinis savivaldybių teritorijoje (Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerija, 2018). Nepaisant to, po praleisto laikotarpio pabėgėlių priėmimo centre, pastebima daug problemų, tokių kaip nesugebėjimas išmokti kalbos, didelis užsieniečių gavusių prieglobstį, nedarbo lygis, migracija iš šalies. Tik nedidelė dalis lieka gyventi Lietuvoje, todėl svarbu išsiaiškinti, su kokiomis problemomis jie susiduria gyvendami pabėgėlių priėmimo centre, kokios paslaugos jiems aktualiausios, ką reikia tobulinti arba keisti, kad prieglobstį gavę užsieniečiai liktų gyventi Lietuvoje.
Relevance of the topic. Refugees have been an active topic of discussion due to military conflicts in the world and Lithuania has been taking care of them for 20 years. Refugees that have been granted protection usually become a part of the local society. Lithuania provides the necessary social, healthcare, legal services as well as Lithuanian language courses. The refugee integration in Lithuania is divided into two stages. The first one is when they get admitted to the Refugee Reception Center and the second one in local districts (Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, 2018). Despite the effort, there still are a lot of issues after the first stage. Issues include but are not limited to: failing to learn the language, high unemployment rate, emmigration. Only a small portion remains to live in Lithuania, therefore it is very important to discover the issues that they face in the Refugee Reception Center, what services are the most crucial, what needs to be perfected or changed so that they could live in Lithuania. The goal of the research: identify social aspect of refugee integration in the Refugee Reception Center. Research objective: social aspect of refugee integration in the Refugee Reception Center. Tasks: 1. Describe the concept of social integration. 2. Identify the circumstances that are crucial to refugee integration in unfamiliar setting. 3. Determine the social aspects of refugee integration in the Refugee Reception Center. Research method: quantitative method. • Analysis of scholarly literature. • Analysis of relevant documents. • Written questionnaire and assessment of the results of said questionnaire. Research participants: refugees with legal status. Research conclusions: the determining factors of social integration are demographical circumstances (age, gender), education, health, expectations and motivation. Those who come from culturally similar countries experience smoother integration, whereas those coming from farther Muslim countries face cultural and religion differences as well as language barrier. Research showed that majority of them doubt whether they can learn the local language and find home and a job within the three months in the Refugee Reception Center. During this integration
process majority of them experience loneliness, stress about the future, cultural and religion differences as well as language barrier. The most crucial social services are financial, healthcare/mental wellbeing, help with finding a job, social stipend as well as new home, interpreting. According to the questionnaire, the social workers at the Refugee Reception Center are doing a very good job. It is important to note that only a small portion of refugees living there have experienced negative attitudes from local Lithuanians.