Baigiamajame darbe, teoriniame lygmenyje, atskleidžiama fotosenėjimo priežastys, procesas ir pasekmės. Aprašomos veikliosios medžiagos esančios kosmetinėse priemonėse ir procedūros skirtos fotosenstančios veido odos priežiūrai, bei neigiamoms fotosenėjimo sukeltoms estetinėms problemoms spręsti. Darbo tikslas yra atskleisti moterų nuomonę apie fotosenstančios veido odos priežiūrą. Darbo problema yra kaip prižiūrėti fotosenstančią veido odą. Siekiant įvertinti moterų nuomonę apie fotosenstančios veido odos priežiūrą, atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas, apklausa raštu. Pagal sudarytą klausimyną moterims, atliktas empirinis tyrimas. Įvertinus tyrimo rezultatus pateikta išvada.
The novelty of the topic: The novelty of the topic is determined by the fact that lately the cult of youth, beauty and healthy lifestyle has been highly appreciated. However, in order to preserve youthful appearance and healthy skin, merely a healthy lifestyle is not sufficient. It is extremely important to know the environmental factors, which have a negative effect not only on health in general but also the skin in particular. The accumulated amount of UV rays in the skin promotes early ageing called – photoaging (P. Puri et al., 2017). In order to avoid this process, it is important to know about the protective measures, and in the presence of signs of this ageing, it is useful to know about skin care. Research problem: how to take care of photoaging facial skin? Research aim: to reveal the opinion of women about the care of photoaging facial skin. The objectives of the research: 1. On a theoretical level to reveal the photoaging process, its causes and consequences; 2. To describe the cosmetic products and procedures used in the care of photoaging facial skin; 3. To evaluate women's opinion of photoaging face skin care. Reseach methods: scientific and professional literature analysis, questionnaire survey, descriptive statistical analysis of data. Research sample. In the questionnaire survey, only women (N = 78) with an average age of 42 years (from 20 to 50 years and over) participated in the survey, mostly with a higher education and working civil as servants or having their own business. The results and conclusions of the research. Having evaluated the survey results on the opinion of women about the care of photoaging skin the conclusion can be made that women take care of photoaging skin with the help of cosmetical products and procedures, the effectiveness of wich is rated well. Regularly visit a cosmetologist, where photoaging skin procedures such as skin whitening, chemical peeling are performed. Intervention procedures - hyaluronic acid injections are performed. Uses cosmetic products which contain active ingredients for the care and correction of photoaging skin. In women's opinion, the most effective products are UVA and UVB filters protecting against ultraviolet sun rays, antioxidants combined with vitamins C and A, and hyaluronic acid. After evaluating the women's opinion, it can be concluded that women know how to take care of their photoaging facial skin.