Įvertinus tarptautinių standartų (ISO 9001 bei IFS) reikalavimus, ledinės karamelės su medumi ir šaltalankiu gamyboje pritaikyta integruota kokybės ir maisto saugos vadybos sistema, apimanti nuolatinę kokybės ir maisto saugos kontrolę žaliavų priėmimo, sandėliavimo, produktų gamybos bei pagamintų produktų pateikimo klientui metu.
Taikant RVASVT sistemą ledinės karamelės su medumi ir šaltalankiu gamybos grandinėje atlikta maisto saugos rizikos veiksnių analizė bei nustatytos jų valdymo priemonės (parengtos būtinosios programos, patvirtinti svarbūs valdymo taškai – SVT).
Ledinės karamelės su medumi ir šaltalankiu gamybos grandinėje atlikus maisto saugos rizikos veiksnių analizę, nustatyti šie svarbūs valdymo taškai: SVT-1B natūralių dažiklių laikymas, SVT-2B sulčių koncentratų laikymas; SVT-1F pagamintų produktų kontrolė metalo detektoriumi. Atliktas finansinis – ekonominis projekto įvertinimas.
Saulė Žapnickienė. Assurance of Quality and Food Safety in Production of Hard Candies with Honey and Sea Buckthorn. The final paper. Scientific advisor: Dovilė Gailevičienė; Kauno kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies, Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018. The purpose of the paper – in compliance with the requirements of the international standards (ISO 9001 and IFS) to implement an integrated quality and food safety management system in the production of hard candies with honey and sea buckthorn. The object of the paper – design of a safe product in compliance with the requirements of the international food safety and quality standards. The structure of paper: Introduction, theoretical part, main part, conclusions / recommendations and suggestions, the list of literature and other sources of information, attachments. The results of the paper. Producers notice that the hard candy market has been changing; the demand for traditional products has been decreasing, while the need for functional hard candies has been growing. Hard candies enriched with extracts of various herbal cough mixtures, natural oils and juice concentrates are becoming increasingly popular. Due to advanced technologies of glucose syrup production the quality of this raw material is increasing, while its price is decreasing. Therefore, producers are changing the customary sugar-to-glucose-syrup ratio in a product (1:0,5), by increasing a share of glucose syrup (1:1). Responding to the market needs, the major part of caramel producers has replaced synthetic colorants with natural ones. The paper provides descriptions of raw materials and the final product as well as various calculations required for the production design (processing equipment, need for raw materials, area of production facilities, etc.). The performed analysis of the requirements of the international standards and their compatibility allows maintaining that these standards may be readily combined into a single integrated system of quality and food safety assurance. Having performed an analysis of food safety risk factors at all stages of the production, the critical control points (CCP‘s) were identified and the control and preventive measures were provided. The volume of the paper. The paper includes 59 pages, 35 tables, 3 figures, 29 references, 9 an appendix. Keywords: Quality and Food Safety, Management System, HACCP system, Critical control points (CCP‘s), Control points (CP‘s), Risk of foreign material, Food Fraud.