Pagyvenusių ir senų žmonių skaičius mūsų visuomenėje vis auga. Šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje pagyvenusių žmonių gerovė yra neatsiejama nuo visos visuomenės gerovės.Šios visuomenės grupės gerovė daro stiprų poveikį bendram šalies gyvenimo lygiui. Vis didesnė reikšmė šiame procese tenka globos įstaigoms, kuriose pagyvenęs žmogus gali gyventi nuolat bei gauti visą reikalingą pagalbą. Augant ilgalaikės globos poreikiui, vis didesnis vaidmuo tenka socialiniam darbuotojui. Lietuvoje socialinio darbo profesija dar gana nauja. Mūsų visuomenėje vis dar nėra susiformavusio aiškaus supratimo, kokios yra socialinio darbuotojo kompetencijos ribos.
Topicality of the theme: the number of old and elderly people incrases in our society all the time. In today's society the welfare of old people is closely related to the welfare of the society itself. The welfare of this part of the sočiety has a great influence on the Standard of life of The country. The institutions of mental health have become more and more important in this process, as elderly people can live there for all the time and get all necessary support and help. Taking into account the rapid growth of demand for social care, the main and greatest role is attached to a social worker. The profession of a social worker is still new in Lithuania. Our society hasn‘t got a clear understanding what are limits of the social worker's competence.
The objective of the work: to reveal the roles of social workers in old people's homes.
The object of work: the roles of social workers in old people's homes.
The question of research: what are the Professional roles and spheres of social workers in old people's homes.
The method of the research: quantitative descriptive research, non-stochastic, target selection. 30 respondents, living in old peoples homes were interviewed.
Conclusions of the research: in this work the research of Professional roles of social workers, working in old people's home has been carried. After interviewing the inhabitants of old people's home, it became clear, what activities of social workers could be used, what are the expectations of clients, what are the perspectives for the social work in the future.
Evaluating the answers of respondents to the questions in the questionnaire such aspects could be noted:
• The inhabitants of old people's home expect to get various services related to information;
• They expect to get consultations;
• People expect help communicating with relatives and the surrounding environment.
• They expect organizational services.
• They expect help from a social worker ensuring security in a living place and in personal life. They heed advice on different questions.
Interviewing and communicating with people from old people's home, it became clear what expectations they have got. People also assessed the fulfillment of the expectations. The greatest part of people positively evaluated the communication with social workers and the quality of the services. It must be stressed, that when a social worker tries to fulfill the needs of people living in the old people's home, the limits of activities become very wide and it is usually related to the lack of time.