Europos Komisija (2017) teigia, kad triukšmas trukdo poilsiui, žmonės patiriantys triukšmą skundžiasi didele įtampa ir prasta koncentracija.
Išanalizavus mokslinę literatūrą ir atlikus tyrimus ugdymo įstaigose, nustatyta, kad nors mokyklose mokinių skaičius yra panašus, patalpose skirtingi mokinių skaičiai sukelia skirtingą triukšmo lygį. Darbą sudaro įvadas, trys skyriai, rezultatai, išvados, rekomendacijos ir priedai. Darbo apimtis – 46 psl. 48 bibliografiniai šaltiniai.
Due to the increasing urbanization and the growth of human population, noise is
becoming even a bigger problem, which causes not only discomfort, but also can lead up to
serious health problems. It has been established that noise can cause not only loss of hearing, but
also heart and circulatory diseases, sleep disorders, fatigue and it can even endanger nervous
system activity. Noise is caused not only by noisy mechanisms, but also by people. For this
reason, it was decided to assess the noise level situation in Birzai „Saules“ gymnasium and
„Ausros“ primary school, as well as Kauno „Paparcio“ elemantary school and in Kaunas Sanciu
school – the multifuncional center.
Objective – assess the noise level in educational institutions. Research tasks : to
theoretically explain what noise is and how it affects health, to determine the noise level in
educational institutions and to evaluate the dependence of noise on the number of pupils.
Methodology : noise levels were evaluated in four educational establishments. During the noise
assessment, a lot of attention is devoted to the number of people.
After reasearch and evaluation of noise levels in schools, it was found, that almost
in all cases noise exceeds the maximum permissible noise level in premises used by educational
institutions for educational activities ( 55 dBA) and all of the results of the study exceeded
the average permissible noise of 45dBA, measured when no one was in the room. In all
educational establishments, the noise level of gyms exceeded 90dBA, and during breaks in the
dining room, the noise level exceeded 70dBA
Pupils spend a great deal of time in schools therefore generated noise creates
discomfort and prevents pupils from receiving all possible information. Pupils cannot
concentrate during lessons and the noise does not allow them to rest during breaks. Noise has a
negative effect not only on hearing, but on the whole body, and is considered to be a harmful
environmental factor. After analyzing the data, the maximum noise level was set in Birzai
„Ausros“ primary school during the course of physical education (97.8 dBA). Although the
number of pupils in schools is similar, different numbers of pupils in the premises cause different
levels of noise.