Demencija yra progresuojanti liga, kuria senatvėje suserga vis daugiau žmonių, o tai sąlygoja visuomenei iš to išeinančias rimtas medicinines, socialines, ekonomines problemas (Page, Hope, 2013; Ames ir kt., 2017; Wimo, 2017). Vis daugiau žmonių, susirgusių demencija, jaučia institucinės globos poreikį, nes ne visada artimieji asmenys turi galimybių arba nesugeba tinkamai jais pasirūpinti. Tokiu būdu jie priversti naudotis pagalbos pažeidžiamiems asmenims tinklo paslaugomis, kurio viena iš dalių yra ilgalaikės globos paslaugas vyresnio amžiaus asmenims teikiančios įstaigos (socialinės globos namai) (Orlova, 2014). Siekiant, kad demencija sergančių asmenų gyvenimo kokybė socialinės globos namuose būtų kuo geresnė, būtina ne tik tinkamai organizuoti šių asmenų užimtumą, bet ir tirti, kaip šis procesas galėtų būti tobulinamas.
More and more old people get sick with dementia which is a progressive disorder and is causing serious medical, social, and economic problems to the public. More and more old people with dementia live in elderly social care homes. These people feel the need for a leisure time organization. The research problem is formulated in the question: how is organizing a leisure time of people with dementia who live in elderly social care homes? The aim of research – to disclose the organization of a leisure time of people with dementia who live in social care homes. The tasks of research: 1) to define the concept of dementia; 2) theoretically to explain the organization of a leisure time of people with dementia who live in social care homes; 3) to disclose the organization of a leisure time of people with dementia who live in social care homes. The research methods: the method of analyzing the scientific literature is used for data analysis. This method is aimed to define the concept of dementia and theoretically to explain the organization of a leisure time of people with dementia who live in social care homes. Questionnaire survey (quantitative survey) is used for data collection. This method is aimed to disclose the organization of a leisure time of people with dementia who live in social care homes. The descriptive statistics, data systematization and graphical representation methods are used to provide the questionnaire data. Investigators – 30 social care workers working in the social care homes. These social workers work in social care homes where people with dementia live. Conclusions of research: it was identified the main problems limiting the efficiency of the organization of leisure time of people with dementia: there is a lack of social workers who organize the leisure time; the social care homes are not adapted for the leisure time of people with dementia; by organizing the leisure time, social workers are not able to carry out direct work; social workers do not take into account the opinion of people with dementia when organizing the leisure time; the lack of application of personalized leisure time strategies; leisure time does not include close people of the person with dementia; social workers have not enough knowledge and skills how to organize the leisure time for people with dementia.