Prekių asortimentas yra neatsiejama prekybinės įmonės dalis, dėl to jo analizavimas, vertinimas ir atnaujinimas yra privalomas, norint užtikrinti didėjantį pelną. Įmonės nuolat konkuruoja, dėl to asortimentas turi būti išskirtinis. Siekiama nustatyti, kokių gaminių vartotojai pasigenda įmonės asortimente ir kokių reikėtų atsisakyti, įvertinant vartotojų poreikius. Darbe analizuojama asortimento sąvoka, klasifikavimas, savybės, bei tobulinimo galimybės teoriniu aspektu. Nagrinėjama anketinės apklausos rezultatai vartotojų požiūriu. Pateiktos „The Meat Point“ asortimento tobulinimo galimybės.
Agnė Neverauskaitė. The Evaluation and Improvement Possibilities of Product Range at the Company “The Meat Point“. Professional Bachelor Thesis. Supervisor: Lina Kupstienė, Kaunas College Faculty of Business Economics and Administration – Kaunas, 2018.
The present thesis discusses the evaluation and improvement possibilities of the product range at the company “The Meat Point“. Companies need to keep up-to-date with all the innovations to maintain their leadership and make a profit. They also have to follow the latest and most advanced ways to improve their product range if they want to stay in the market.
Research problem. The product range needs to be constantly analyzed, assessed and updated. The present investigation focuses on determining what new products the customers need in the company’s product range and which ones are necessary to be eliminated according to customer needs. What kind of “The Meat Point“ product development directions would increase the productivity of sales?
Research aim – to carry out the product range development analysis and provide its improvement strategies in the company “The Meat Point”.
Research methods:
• Scientific literature analysis
• Analysis of the company performance
• Questionnaire survey
Structure of the research paper: the present investigation consists of the theoretical section in which the parameters and classification of the product range as well as the product range improvement directions and strategies are discussed. The empirical part of the present investigation summarizes the results of the questionnaire survey. The proposals in relation to the survey results calculations based on the company data are provided in the project analysis.
Research results: after the analysis of the questionnaire survey and the company data has been carried out, the product range of the company "The Meat Point" and its customers’ needs have been evaluated. According to the results, a proposal to solve the problem and strategies to improve the product range.
Suggestions and recommendations: to invest in training and expanding knowledge. One the most relevant would be marketing trainings which discuss the latest principles of the product range improvement, market segmentation, target groups, their expectations and needs. It is also important to make and improve a website, to learn both theoretically and practically how to apply new methodologies that contribute to evaluating and managing the range of e-commerce production and to analyze the potential and drawbacks of the product range. Foreign fairs are very important and informative to expand the knowledge and follow the innovations which may help to complement and improve the product range. To invest in advertising the product range as this is relevant to the company so that its name and range would reach more potential customers. One more suggestion is to promote product testing that allows customers to get acquinted with products in a more rapid way. To reward loyalty discount cards can be given.
Professional bachelor thesis consists of: 46 pages, 7 tables, 11 pictures, 35 literature and information sources and 1 appendix.