Parengtas projektas nealkoholinių gėrimų iš grūdinės žaliavos „Grūdelis“ bei „Grūdelis ekstra“ technologijai, kiekvieno gaminant po 300000 litrų per metus.
Numatyta gamybos programa ir darbo režimai (1 pamaina, 8 valandas per dieną, 5 dienas per savaitę), numatytos darbuotojų pareigybės (virėjas, meistras, valytoja, sandėlininkas, technologas).
Aprašytos žaliavos ir medžiagos (buteliai, kamšteliai, etiketės), atlikti jų sąnaudų metiniai skaičiavimai (miežių, kviečių ir rugių salyklas – viso 205888,3 kg., vanduo – 812527,84 l, aromatiniai apyniai, sirupas, citrinos rūgštis, anglies dioksidas). Pateikta technologinė schema, aprašytas gamybos procesas, išanalizuojant fizikinius ir cheminius pasikeitimus. įvertinti rizikos veiksniai, nustatyti svarbūs valdymo taškai: SVT-1B – kupažo pasterizavimas. RVASVT plane ir GHP numatytos jų valdymo priemonės.
Parinkti technologiniai įrenginiai (alaus misos paruošimo mini įrenginys, nerūdijančio plieno talpyklos, aušintuvas, išpilstymo linija, svarstyklės, karbonizavimo aparatas, filtras, grūdų valymo mašina, grudų malūnas, siurbliai), numatyti žmogaus saugos reikalavimai, suprojektuotos įmonės patalpos - bendras jų plotas – 280 m2.
Projektas įvertintas finansiškai - 541846,26 Eur
Laura Kuršentaitytė. Production of non-alcoholic beverages from cereals. The final paper. Supervisor A.Sugintienė; Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies, Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018. The objective of the paper: to create different tasting non-alcoholic beverages from cereals. The subject of the paper: technology of non-alcoholic beverages from cereals has been developed. The structure of the paper. The final paper consists of introduction, theoretical part, technological part, financial-economic evaluation of the project, conclusions / recommendations and suggestions, literature and other sources of information, annexes, graphical part (workshop plan, technological scheme). The outcomes of the paper. The project for the technology of non-alcoholic beverages from cereals Grūdelis and Grūdelis extra, with the annual production capacity of 300000 litre each has been devepoled. The program of production has been prepared, expected operating modes (1 shift, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week), employee positions foreseen (person responsible for fermentation, cleaner, warehouse keeper, technologist). The raw materials and materials (bottles, bottle caps, labels) have been described, annual product outlay calculations have been made (barley, wheat and rye malt – total 205888,3 kg., Water – 812527,84 l, aromatic hops, syrup, citric acid, carbon dioxide). The technological flowchart has been presented, the production process has been described, by analysing physical and chemical changes. The risk factor have been assessed and CCP (critical control points) have been identified: CCP-1B – peusterization. Specific control measurements have been foreseen in the HACCP plan and the GHP. Technological equipment (mini equipment for beer must preparation, stainless steel tanks, cooler, bottling line, scales, carbonizing apparatus, filter, grain cleaner, grinding mill, pumps), human safety requirements, projected premises of the company - total area - 280 m2 The project is evaluated financially - 541846,26 euro. The volume of the paper. The paper consists of 44 pages, 9 tables, 1 illustrations, 40 literature sources and 2 appendixes. Keywords: Non-alcoholic beverage, malted beverages, technology, ginger, production.