Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe nagrinėjamas cechas, kuriame gaminami kukurūzų miltų sausainiai. Šioje įmonėje siekiama parengti RVASVT įdiegimą pritaikant jį gamyboje gaminat kukurūzų miltų sausainius. Darbo eigoje analizuojami RV – fizikiniai, cheminiai ir biologiniai. Surasti, išanalizuoti, įvertinti ir sumažinti arba visiškai pašalinti SVT.
Vilija Chvedukienė. Preparation of HACCP System for Production of Corn Flour Biscuits. The final paper. Scientific advisor : lekt. Dr. Lina Vaičiulytė – Funk; Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences,Faculty of Technologies,Department of FoodTechnology. – Kaunas, 2018. The purpose of the work: Introduction of HACCP in the production of maize flour biscuits. Object of work: Production of corn flour biscuits. The structure of the paper: Theoretical part, main part, conclusions / recommendations and suggestions, literature and sources of information, appendixes. Results: The result of the work is achieved. HACCP programs were installed in the corn flour biscuit company. In the course of work, were analyzed - physical, chemical and biological. In order to maintain the safe production of the product, from the receipt of raw materials to the final product delivery, plans were made with preventive measures that would ensure safe and high-quality work in the company. This was also the case for CCP, who had been compiled, analyzed and presented a plan. The company's activities have identified and analyzed the necessary programs. All the necessary programs were prepared on the basis of the HNs located in Lithuania, under which these programs are carried out. The company, which operates 247 working days a year, has been launched a newly established company. The company employs two shift workers. The total production in the production lines is 8 people, with two shifts of 4 people. The company also employs 6 people in addition to these production workers: cleaner, technologist, master, accountant, secretary, and company director. In the company, 70kg of corn flour "Geltonskruostis" biscuits is baked during the shift. During the year, 17290 kg of these biscuits are baked. The volume of the company is not high, as healthy food is still on our way to life, therefore the size of the company is not high, the premises where production is 163,00 m2. The volume of the paper:The work consists of 52 pages, 13 tables, 1 picture, 34 literature sources, economic annexes, drawing of a production workshop. Keywords: food safety, risk factors, important control points.