Visuomenės požiūrio į negalią tyrimai parodė, jog visuomenė vis dar neigiamai vertina neįgalius žmones. Tam įtakos turi daugybė veiksnių: draugų ir artimųjų patirtys sąveikoje su neįgaliu žmogumi, žiniasklaidos formuojamas neįgaliųjų įvaizdis, vidinės baimės susijusios su žinių trūkumų apie neįgaliųjų gyvenimo būdą ir poreikius. Darbas su jais reikalauja ypatingai plačios pasaulėžiūros, vidinės stiprybės, kantrybės ir kūrybiškumo. Dėl intelekto sutrikimų klientams gali būti sudėtinga dirbti pagal tradicinius socialinio darbo metodus, kurie reikalauja gilaus mąstymo ir savianalizės, tuomet socialinis darbuotojas turi pasitelkti savo išmonę ir metodus adaptuoti taip, kad jie būtų efektyvūs ir naudingi darbui su neįgaliais žmonėmis. Tinkamai pritaikius socialinio darbo metodus galima ne tik padėti klientui pagerinti jo socialinius įgūdžius, bet ir formuoti teigiamą visuomenės požiūrį į žmogų su negalią.
Martyna Sedliorienė. Methods used by social workers while working with people who have mental disabilities. Final Thesis. Supervisor Eglė Stasiūnaitienė. Kauno kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Social Work, Kaunas, 2018.
The relevance of the work. Statistics has shown that society still has a negative attitude towards people with disabilities. There are many reasons behind it, such as previous experience with disabled people, social media portraying the disabled as being not equal, lack of knowledge on how to communicate with disabled people, etc. Constant work with disabled people requires a lot of strength, patience and creativity. Due to mental disorders of the clients, it may be difficult to apply traditional methods of social work, which require deep thinking and self-analysis. So a social worker must use his/her own skills and adapt the methods in order to make them effective and useful for people with disabilities. The use of the right method not only helps to develop their communicative skills, but also helps to shape a more positive attitude of the society towards people with disabilities.
The aim of the thesis is to reveal the methods applied by social workers while working with mentally disabled people.
Objectives of the research:
1. To define the main methods used by social workers while working with people who have mental disabilities.
2. To indicate social and psychological needs of people with mental disabilities.
3. To identify the main methods used by social workers while working with people who have mental disabilities.
Methods used for this research. In order to achieve the aim of this research, the analysis of scientific literature and the analysis of legal documents were used. 35 social workers took part in the research and they were questioned about the applied methods while working with people who have mental disabilities. All 35 social workers were given a questionnaire to fill in.
Results of the research. In conclusion, it has been stated that social workers mostly use an individual social work method with people who have mental disabilities. Social workers who took part in the survey state that the main advantage of this method is that a person can communicate with a social worker without being afraid or worried. Another commonly used method is social work with the group. Social workers tend to use this method a lot because it helps the client to communicate with others in a more effective way. It has also been stated that the least used methods are counselling, case management, and social work within the community. All social workers who took part in the survey highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of all methods, which helped to understand the problems that social workers could potentially face while applying different methods of social work.