Baigiamajame darbe pateikiama fizinių rizikos veiksnių analizė duonos su kukurūzų spragėsiais gamyboje, analizuojama literatūra ir moksliniai straipsniai apie duonos kokybę ir žaliavas. Pateikiami išeigos ir žaliavų skaičiavimai, aprašoma kvietinės duonos gamybos technologija. Parengtas RVASVT planas, analizė, būtinosios programos, būtinosios veiklos programos duonos su kukurūzų spragėsiais gamybai bei atliekami finansiniai – ekonominiai skaičiavimai
Laura Jurgaitytė. Analysis of Physical Hazards in Production of Bread with Popcorn. The final paper. Scientific advisor: Inga Pupelienė; Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies, Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018. The purpose of the paper: to make the analysis of physical hazards in production of bread with popcorn. The object of the paper: physical hazards for the production of wheat bread with popcorn. The structure of the paper: the final work consists of these parts: introduction, theoretical part, production planning and realization of safe food products, financial – economical evaluation, conclusions, literature and other sources of information, graphic part. The results of the paper: after making theoretical analysis it is found out that wheat bread is healthy and useful for human body, because wheat grain is the source of bran, which improves bowel movements.Flour reduces the amount of glucose and insulin in the body, in this way conditionally lengthening the lifetime. By preparation of the descriptions of raw materials sensorial, chemical and microbiological indicators and by regulation of legislation, the information about allergens (grain including glutamine – wheat) is presented. Bread is packed into polyethylene bags. By drawing the chart of technological flow of bread production, the main technological parameters (that influence the safety and quality of final product) are denoted. The analysis of hazards is done based on the chart; the critical control point CCP 1P – metal detection is chosen in which the packed wheat bread is checked with iron, iron steels twice a week and if it is necessary. Documents to control possible hazards in bread production are formed: necessary programs, necessary activity programs, good rules of hygiene practice, HACCP analysis, plan. In order to avoid cross – contamination the premises by designing the premises of bread production these are devided into the areas of high, average and low hazard. They are operated by necessary programs, procedures and critical control points. The area of the company is 300,17 m2. The permanent control of raw, materials, production and made products is provided for production of safe products in the company. The product quality is evaluated according to look, taste, smell and components by the way chemical and microbiological indicators. After evaluating financial – economical indicators of wheat bread production it is received, that wheat bread with popcorn costs 2,56 Eur/kg. Possible and the most believable physical hazards in wheat bread with popcorn are these: a screw, pebbles, glass, but the most important physical hazard is metal, which is managed by the metal detector “APEX AP 100“. The volume of the paper: The paper includes 48 pages, 14 tables, 1 illustration, 48 literature sources and 3 appendixes. Keywords: wheat bread, HACCP, physical hazards.