Darbuotojų kaita natūralus, neišvengiamas, socialinis, psichologinis, emocinis procesas, dažniausiai atsirandantis iš darbuotojo nepatenkintų lūkesčių, poreikių. Naujų darbuotojų atėjimas į įmonę suteikia naudos. Jie atsineša su savimi naują patirtį, idėjas ir kompetenciją. Labai aktualu išlaikyti sveiką personalo kaitą, kuri teiktų naudą ir nepadidintų organizacijos išlaidų, nesumažintų produktyvumo. Pagrindinė priežastis, kodėl darbuotojai ieško geresnių darbo sąlygų, yra nepasitenkinimas darbo užmokesčiu. Kada mokamas darbo užmokestis yra per mažas ir nepatenkina darbuotojų poreikių, tada darbo kaita organizacijoje nėra išvengiama.
Description of the thesis - Nowadays, in a global world, all spheres of economy fluctuate by great margins. One of those spheres is labor. In the past decade the whole labor market became very volatile. Hover companies try to maintain a stable workstation where labor doesn't fluctuate as much, therefore even the smaller companies try to maintain or even gain new employees. A new employee often brings new ideas how to make company operate more efficiently. In the thesis I assay and evaluate employee’s satisfaction and comfort level within their ongoing job.
The main problem of the (professional BA thesis) - Company's personnel is non-persistent. So, the executives must find new or maintain old and experienced employees.
The aim of the (professional BA thesis) - analyze company's UAB "TOP SPORT" labor / personnel changes and reasons why those changes accour.
Methods of the (professional BA thesis) - Scientific literature and other sources. Survey analysis. Data analysis.
The structure - The first part of the thesis contains all theoretical aspects on how personnel operate, and why staff changes accour.
The second part contains survey analysis. With all the gathered data via survey, results are shown in graphs and charts. Results are evaluated and concluded on why the staff volatile so often.
The final part of the thesis contains conclution, decisions and suggestions why personnel changes and how to halt these fluctuations.
The results/conclusions - Evaluating survey data and data gathered from other scientific sources, company's UAB "TOP SPORT" labor scope is on the rise. Every year company attract more and more new and experienced employees. All the show graphs conclude that company's labor is volatile but on its upswing.
Suggestions – By using scientific research, it’s always useful to add new employees. A new employee often brings new ideas how to make company operate more efficiently. Company must install new programs that will improve personnel qualification. It’s also helpful to increase the staff’s wage, then the employee will be more satisfied with their on-going job. This solution will level the company’s fluctuating labor.