Nagrinėjama tema atlikta literatūros šaltinių analizė. Vertinant pagrindinius kokybės bei saugos rodiklius, parengtas žvėrienos karšto rūkymo dešrų gamybai naudojamų žaliavų, medžiagų bei gatavo produkto aprašas. Atlikti žvėrienos karšto rūkymo dešrų gamyboje (800 kg/pamainą našumui) reikalingų žaliavų, medžiagų skaičiavimai. Žvėrienos karšto rūkymo dešrų gamyboje įvertinti visi galimi maisto saugos rizikos veiksniai (biologiniai, cheminiai, fiziniai). Taikant tarptautinių standartų reikalavimus, parengta ir žvėrienos karšto rūkymo dešrų gamyboje pritaikyta pašalinių objektų valdymo programa. Apžvelgti ir pritaikyti žvėrienos karšto rūkymo dešrų gamyboje reikalingi įrenginiai bei inventorius;
Atlikti užimamų patalpų plotų skaičiavimai. Atliktas finansinis – ekonominis projekto įvertinimas. Numatoma per metus pagaminti 196800 kg žvėrienos karšto rūkymo dešrų, kurių savikaina – 4,88 Eur/kg
Inesa Trapaitė. Application of Extrinsic Objects Management Programme in Production Company of Hot-smoked Game Sausages. The final paper. Scientific advisor: E. Kurtkuvienė; Kauno kolegija/University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies, Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018. The purpose of the paper: to prepare and apply an extrinsic objects management program in the sausage production company (under the requirements of the food safety management system). The object of the paper: production company of the hot smoked game sausages with a capacity of 800 kg / shift. The structure of the paper. Introduction, theoretical part, planning and realization of safe food production, description of raw materials used and product description, technological flow diagram of food process, analysis of food safety risk factors and application of their management tools, planning of premises, controlling processes and products in the enterprise, financial - economic project evaluation, conclusions, literature and other sources of information, additives, graphic works - a plan for the production of hot smoked game sausages. The results of the paper. The scientific literature analysis is provided to the subject under study; By the evaluation of the main quality and safety indicators, a description of raw materials, materials and finished product for the production of hot smoked game sausages was prepared; The calculations of raw materials and materials in order to make hot smoked sausages were made (for productivity of 800 kg / shift); All possible food safety risk factors (biological, chemical, physical) are evaluated in the game of hot smoked sausages; In accordance with the requirements of the international standards, the program for the control of extrinsic objects was developed; The equipment and inventory necessary for the production of hot smoked game sausages were viewed and adapted; The calculations of premises occupied were done; The financial - economical evaluation of the project is prepared. It is planned to produce 196,800 kg of hot smoked game sausages per year, at a cost of 4.88 Eur/kg.
The volume of the paper. The paper includes 50 pages, 11 tables, 27 literature sources and 3 appendixes. Keywords: hot smoker sausages, foreign objects.