Baigiamąjį darbą sudaro trys skyriai. Pirmajame skyriuje teoriniu aspektu aptariamas komunikacijos procesas sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose. Antrajame skyriuje pateikiama ligoninės vidinės ir išorinės komunikacijos analizė. Trečiajame skyriuje pateikiamas įstaigos vidinės ir išorinės komunikacijos proceso įvertinimas ir tobulinimo kryptys (2018-2020 m.).
Deimantė Krasauskienė. The Communication Process and Its Improvement Trends in the PI Kėdainiai Hospital. Professional BA thesis. Supervisor Lecturer Virginija Piligrimienė. Kauno Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences. Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Administration. - Kaunas, 2018. 54 pages.
Description of the final thesis. In a modern society, communication is constantly gaining in importance and significance. Communication is the exchange of information through language, symbols, gestures, mimes and movements. Good communication is essential to any organisation aiming to operate successfully and safely, as no organisation can exist without communication.
The main problem of the thesis. Good communication inside and outside the institution is essential in order to achieve the success in operation of healthcare institution. The question arises in this context, whether communication between employees as well as between employees and patients in Kėdainiai Hospital is qualitative and meets the expectations of patients and employees.
The aim of the thesis. Following an analysis of internal and external communication processes in the PI Kėdainiai Hospital, to provide trends for improvement.
Methods of the thesis. Analysis, structuring and summary of theoretical, scientific and publicistic literature, questionnaire survey, interview, document analysis.
The structure. The final work consists of three sections. The process of communication in healthcare institutions is discussed from a theoretical point of view in the first section. The second section presents the analysis of internal and external communication in the hospital. The third section provides the assessment of internal and external communication process in the institution and trends for improvement (2018/2020).
Results of work and proposals. Following an analysis of the research results, it was noted that the internal and external communication satisfied in principle the staff and patients of the hospital. Nevertheless, some patients are not satisfied with the current communication in the hospital. The hospital endeavours to create and foster respectful relationship with patients and the staff. However, some shortcomings communication were noticed in the hospital, and proposals for their improvement are following: to involve the staff into training of communication skills, to motivate and pay the particular attention of managers to the staff, to encourage the staff to communicate information more often via e-mail, in the event of a conflict, to contact the manager of the department who could solve the conflict, to purchase more mobile phones, to set up a position of administrator for relations with the public, to update the code of conduct.
The final work of Professional Bachelor consists of 53 pages, 13 tables, 13 pictures, 32 sources of literature and information, 6 annexes.