Šiame darbe analizuojami mokslinėje literatūroje pateikti adaptacijos teoriniai aspektai,
atliekama anketinė apklausa ir interviu, kurių dėka galima pateikti organizacijai skirtas adaptacijos
tobulinimo galimybes. Sėkmingos adaptacijos rezultatas – lojalūs darbuotojai, kurie sukuria
pridėtinę vertę organizacijai.
The process of adaptation main goal is to help the employee more easily accept the habits,
culture, and values that prevail in the organization. It depends on the quality of the relationship with
the team and greater work efficiency. Starting a job, a changed work environment, or colleagues
cause a great influx of stress to each employee, and to avoid this, both the employer and other team
members must be involved in the adaptation process, demonstrating their goodwill, willingness to
understand, and help. Each organization seeks to discover new tools to improve the adaptation