Profesinio bakalauro darbe analizuojama ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų socialinės kompetencijos ugdymo/-si galimybės dailės veiklose. Siekiant išsiaiškinti tėvų požiūrį į ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų socialinės kompetencijos ugdymą/-si dailės veiklose atlikta apklausa raštu (anketa). Analizuojant pedagogų požiūrį į ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų socialinės kompetencijos ugdymo/-si galimybes dailės veiklose pasirinktas apklausos raštu (struktūruoto interviu) metodas. Empirinis tyrimas atskleidė, kad pedagogai dažnai susiduria su vaikų pykčiu, kuris reiškiamas netinkamais, nepriimtinais būdais. Tėvai padeda vaikams įvardinti ir išreikšti emocijas, tačiau tam pasitelkia tik žodinius metodus, retai pasitelkia dailės priemones, netradicines priemones bei gamtinę medžiagą. Atsižvelgus į tyrimo rezultatus sėkmingai suplanuotas ir įgyvendintas edukacinis projektas.
Darbą sudaro 3 dalys: teorinė, tiriamoji ir projektinė.
The relevance of the topic: The core of social competence is the child‘s ability to interact and co-operate with others, understand others, control their behaviour and emotions so that one could fulfil the norms of the society. Art-based activities are beneficial to the development of social competence as a wide choice of teaching material and the teacher‘s activity foster emotional stress management, acquisition of self-control and increase of self-awareness and self-discipline skills in children.
The problem of the paper: How can social skills be developed in preschool children through art-based activities?
The object of the paper is the possibilities of social skills development in preschool children in art activities.
The aim of the paper is to disclose the possibilities of the development of social competence in preschool children through art activities.
The objectives of the paper are:
1. To analyze the possibilities to develop preschool children‘s abilities to perceive and express emotions, control and discipline themselves and see the consequences of their actions in art-based activities.
2. To disclose the possibilities of the development of social competence in preschool children through art activities.
3. To plan and carry out an educational project.
The analysis of scientific literature reveals that social competence aims at helping the child see oneself as a member of the community and society. Family, peers and the environment are the main factors determining social competence.
The results of the empirical research confirm that teachers often encounter children‘s anger which is expressed in inappropriate and unacceptable ways. Parents help their children identify and express emotions, but for that they use only verbal methods and very rarely they employ art materials (non-traditional materials and ones found in nature).