Darbe pateiktoje medžiagoje kalbama apie teisėjo nepriklausomumo principą, kuris yra reglamentuojamas Lietuvos įstatymuose ir tarptautiniuose aktuose. Taip pat darbe aprašoma teisėjų drausminės nuobaudos už etikos principų ir procesinių veiksmų nesilaikymo skyrimo tvarka, palyginama su Europos valstybės įstatymais.
Relationship between the Independence of Judges and Disciplinary Responsibility for Procedural Deficiencies. Problematic Issues. Tomas Berzeckis Professional Bachelor thesis. Head of work Arūnas Purvainis, Kaunas College Faculty of Management and Economics, Law department.
The material presents the principle of the independence of the judge, which is regulated by Lithuanian laws and international acts. Also, the work describes the procedure for the disciplinary punishment of judges for non-observance of ethical principles and procedural actions comparable to the laws of the European state.
The problem that arises in the work is the application of disciplinary liability for violation of the judiciary's procedural activities without disregarding the principle of the independence of the judge. The aim of the paper is to examine the information on the disciplinary punishment of judges for violations of ethical principles and procedural actions, as well as to analyze the importance of the principle of independence and to find common relations between them.
The work used system analysis method, comparative method, case law analysis method, logical analysis method.
The importance of the independence of judges in the judicial system is undeniable, the judges could not adequately investigate the influence of court cases and influence on judicial processes, lose the impartiality principle. To ensure that judges do not find themselves and do not become completely uncontrollable for misconduct, appropriate disciplinary sanctions are imposed, but the judges remain free to remain independent.