Darbe aptariama kas yra medaus diastazės aktyvumas, nuo ko jis priklauso, kaip jis gali paveikti medaus kokybę. Nagrinėjama literatūra apie tai, kokie faktoriai gali paveikti medaus diastazės sumažėjimą ar padidėjimą. Apžvelgiama kas yra medaus botaninė kilmė, kaip ji lemia medaus kokybę ir kokios medaus gydomosios savybės priklauso nuo jo augalinės sudėties. Nurodoma dėl ko gali pasikeisti medaus spalva, ką ji pasako apie medaus kokybę. Metodikoje nurodoma pagal kokius kriterijus buvo pasirinkti medaus mėginiai, aprašomos jų fizikinės savybės, pristatomi standartai, naudoti medaus kokybei ištirti. Rezultatuose palyginamas skirtingas botanines sudėtis turinčių medaus mėginių diastazės aktyvumas, aptariami rezultatai. Išvadose apibendrinami darbo rezultatai ir pateikiamos rekomendacijos kokį medų vartojimui geriausia pasirinkti.
Correlation between honey diastase activity and botanical origin.
From the ancient times, honey has been one of the most valuable and appreciated natural product. Honey biochemical constitution deeply depends on its botanical and geographical origin as well as climate conditions. Because of honey's great diversity, a lot of studies are being executed to elucidate the correlation between honey origin and its biological qualities (L.S. Chua, N.A. Adnan. 2014).
The purpose of this study is to find out the correlation between honey diastase activity and botanical origin. The main goal was to identify honey diastase activity and botanical origin and then find out if there is any connection between these two parameters. Methodology: 15 different honey samples were collected to identify its quality. Two main parameters were tested: diastase activity and botanical origin. All 15 samples were not older than 1 year and collected from different regions of Lithuania. Physical qualities such as color, smell, consistency and composition were also evaluated.
Diastase activity was very diverse. It varies from 7,15 to 35,37 Gothes units. 14 of 15 honey samples complied with norms directed in Lithuania (higer than 8 Gothes units). One of the samples diastase activity was lower than a norm. Botanical origin assessment showed that 8 honey samples were rape, 3 were multifloral, 3 samples was identified as a buckwheat honey, and one was a clover honey. Correlation between two parameters was inconsistent, but results showed that the higest diastase activity is in honey samples with buckwheat blossom. Multifloral honey diastase activity varies from 9.1 to 20 Gothes units, rape honey from 7,15 to 26 Gothes units which is the largest in diversity.
Rape monofloral honey samples average diastase activity wasn`t significantly lower than other honey samples. Multifloral honey samples average diastase acitity was lower but reliable difference was also not seen. Buckwheat monofloral honey average diastase activity was significantly higher than other honey samples average diastase acitvity (p<0,05).