Baigiamajame darbe buvo išsiaiškinta, koks yra tuberkuliozės mikobakterijų atsparumas vaistams X tuberkuliozės ligoninėje 2014 – 2017 m. Išnagrinėjus mokslinę ir dalykinę literatūrą apie tuberkuliozės: sukėlėją, patogenezę, vakcinas, laboratorinę diagnostiką ir TM atsparumo formas, jų išsivystymo priežastis ir atlikus statistinę duomenų analizę, buvo pateiktos išvados ir rekomendacijos. Baigiamąjį darbą sudaro: įvadas, kuris atskleidė pasirinktos temos aktualumą; teorinė dalis, kurioje atlikta mokslinė ir dalykinė analizė, skirta aprašyti: 1. tuberkuliozės: sukėlėjus, patogenezę, profilaktiką, diagnostiką; 2. Atsparumo išsivystymo priežastis, formas; empirinio tyrimo metodika ir metodai, rezultatų analizė, išvados, rekomendacijos, literatūros šaltiniai ir priedai. Darbo apimtis – 41 puslapis; literatūros šaltinių 46. Darbe yra 6 lentelės ir 20 paveikslai.
Topic of the thesis: Data analysis of tuberculosis mycobacterial drug resistance at X tuberculosis hospital in 2014–2017. Although the morbidity of tuberculosis (TB) in Lithuania and all over the world is decreasing, tuberculosis continues to be one of the main infectious diseases with the highest mortality. This is greatly influenced by the increasing drug resistance of tuberculosis mycobacterial (TM). Tuberculosis patients create conditions for the development and spreading of resistant TM strains by defying treatment regimen or discontinuing. Drug resistant forms are divided according to the extent of how many and for which drugs TM is resistant. Official sources report mostly information about multidrug resistance of tuberculosis (MDR-TB). Currently there is a lack of data to evaluate not only distribution of MDR-TB, but also other forms of drug resistance. The purpose of this research was to assess the drug resistance of tuberculosis mycobacterial at X Tuberculosis Hospital for 2014–2017. To achieve this purpose, the following goals were set: 1. To describe subject and scientific literature about tuberculosis: pathogens, pathogenesis, vaccines, laboratory diagnosis and on the forms of tuberculosis mycobacterial drug resistance and the reasons for its development; 2. To evaluate the data on the prevalence of tuberculosis mycobacterial drug resistant forms in new and previously treated groups; 3. To determine the most common tuberculosis mycobacterial drug resistant forms in 2014–2017. In order to achieve the goals and objectives of the work, a methodology for the analysis of scientific and business literature was selected, a quantitative study was carried out, during which the data was collected accordingly to the matrix and processed using the Microsoft Excel program. A contract Nr. F23-5 was concluded for the research. The matrix consisted of two parts: 6 claims about patients and 6 claims about the resistance. For the data analysis the records of 207 patients with drug resistant tuberculosis were selected who were treated in 2014–2017. The research was conducted at the X Tuberculosis Hospital from 2018 onwards January 18 to 2018 May 18th. The evaluation of the data showed that the tendency of TM resistance is usually recorded for the first-line drugs. Much more often TM resistance for second-line drugs was detected in previously treated patients compared to new cases. The mono-resistance form of TM was only found in previously treated patients. Among the new cases, the most common form of resistance was MDR, XDR – was less often. Poly-resistance and MDR is twice as likely while pre-XDR is three times more likely – in previously treated cases. In 2014, 2015 and 2017 MDR-TB was most commonly reported among patients at X tuberculosis hospital. In 2016 most patients had XDR-TB. In 2014–2017 pre-XDR had average prevalence. The most rarely occurring forms of resistant TB were determined to be poly-resistance and mono-resistance.