Pastaruoju metu dėl įvairių biotinių ir abiotinių veiksnių, daugelio Lietuvos sodininkystės ūkių fitosanitarinė būklė nėra patenkinama. Keičiantis klimatui atsiranda naujų kenkėjų ir ligų, todėl didėja naudojami ir augalų apsaugos produktų kiekiai. Kad būtų sumažintas žalingas augalų apsaugos produktų poveikis žmonėms ir aplinkai, ES direktyvose keliami reikalavimai mažinti jų naudojimą. Šiuo metu Lietuvoje yra būtina suderinti ir harmonizuoti sodo augalų apsaugos strategijas su ES direktyvomis. Tam būtina atlikti tyrimus, kad būtų paruošta saugi, atitinkanti ES reikalavimus augalų apsaugos priemonių naudojimo strategija. Vienas geriausių ir efektyviausių būdų optimizuoti ir sumažinti augalų apsaugos produktų naudojimą ir apsaugoti sodo augalus nuo ligų ir kenkėjų yra prognozavimas, kuris padeda tinkamu laiku nustatyti ligų ir kenkėjų plitimą bei
laiku panaudoti chemines apsaugos priemones.
Recently, due to various biotic and abiotic factors, many phytosanitary conditions in Lithuanian horticultural farms are not satisfactory. As the climate changes, new pests and diseases are emerging, and consequently the quantities of plant protection products are increasing. In order to reduce the harmful effects of plant protection products on humans and the environment, EU directives require requirements to reduce their use. Currently, it is necessary to harmonize orchard plant protection strategies with EU directives in Lithuania. This requires research to prepare a safe, EU-compliant strategy for the use of plant protection products. One of the best and most effective ways to optimize and reduce the use of plant protection products and protect orchards from diseases and pests is prediction systems that helps identify spread of diseases and pests and the timely use of chemical protection measures. The aim of the work was to evaluate the plant protection system used in orchards in the Feliksas Šlėvė farm. Data analysis of the farmer's research information and research was used to reach the work purpose. The analysis was performed taking into account the following criteria: the state of health of the orchard plants in the aspect of diseases and pests and the plant protection system on the farm. After investigation in the Feliksas Šlėvė orchards, it can be argued that in 2017, apple cultivar 'Auksis' was affected by an apple blossom weevil (Anthonomus pomorum L.) (13 percent damage), while the 'Jonagold Red' cultivar had 15 percent damage. In 2018, apple blossom weevil (Anthonomus pomorum L.) in the apple cultivar 'Champion' reached 12 percent. In 2017 the damage of the apple sawfly (Hoplocampa testudinea Cl.) was detected in the 'Champion' cultivar (damage – 9 percent), and in 2018, in 'Jonagold Red' – 5 percent damage. In 2017 the apple cultivars 'Auksis' and 'Champion' had apple scab (Venturia inaequalis Wint.) and damage were evaluated for 0,1 points. During investigation in 2018, apple scab (Venturia inaequalis Wint.) has not been detected. Apple powdery mildew (Podosphaera leucotricha (Ell. Et. Ev.) Salm.) was found 2017 and in 2018, in all examined apple cultivars. In 2017 apple powdery mildew (Podosphaera leucotricha (Ell. et. Ev.)) has been found in the 'Champion' cultivars (damage – 0,4 points). The lowest damage is in the 'Auksis' cultivar (0,2 points). In 2018 apple powdery mildew (Podosphaera leucotricha (Ell. et. Ev.) Salm.) were detected in the 'Jonagold Red' cultivar (2,3 points). The lowest is in the 'Auksis' cultivar (0,13 points). In bush plants in 2017, anthracnose (Gloeosporium venetum Speg.) was found, with an average damage of 1,4 points and raspberry spur blight (Didymella applanata Sacc.) was found to be 0,7 points of damage. The most severe damage was caused by the cockchafer (Melolontha
melolontha L.) whose damage was about 80 percent. Such a landmark became economically disadvantageous for the farmer and had to be eliminated. In other orchard plants the damage has not exceeded the limit of harm. The plant protection system in the Feliksas Šlėvė farm is applied, taking account from scientists of the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry. Farmer is using products that are listed in the Register of Plant Protection Products of the Republic of Lithuania in accordance with the requirements of the Law on Plant Protection of the Republic of Lithuania.