Kadangi kosmetikos pardavimai kasmet išauga maždaug 20% kilo didelis susidomėjimas kokia kosmetika turi didesnį populiarumą – sintetinė ar natūrali. Europos direktyvos įpareigoja gamintojus atskirti šias kosmetikos rūšis, kadangi nustatė kokia kosmetika gali būti natūrali, o kokia sintetinė. Siūloma įteisinti, jog natūrali kosmetika gali būti ne tik pagaminta iš žaliavų užaugintų natūraliomis sąlygomis, tačiau ir gamybos procesas turi būti kuo paprastesnis. Tyrinėjant kosmetikos pardavimus buvo atrasta, jog placebo efektas gali būti naudojamas kosmetikos marketinge, todėl svarbu ištirti jo įtaką kosmetikos įsigijimui ir jos rūšies pasirinkimui.
Relevance of the topic: every year cosmetic industry grows about 20%. That is why interest in cosmetic type (natural or synthetic) increased very strongly. European directives oblige producers to distinguish between natural and synthetic cosmetics, since they have determined what cosmetics can be natural and what synthetic. It is proposed to legitimize that natural cosmetics can not only be made from raw materials grown under natural conditions, but also the production process must be as simple as possible. In the study of cosmetic sales, it has been found that the placebo effect can be used in the marketing of cosmetics, so it is important to study its influence on the purchase of cosmetics and the choice of its type. Research problem: What is the effect of the placebo effect when choosing between natural and synthetic cosmetics? Research object: The effect of the placebo effect when choosing between natural and synthetic cosmetic. Research aim: Determine the influence of the placebo effect when choosing between natural and synthetic cosmetics. Research tasks: 1. Theoretically describe the concept and effect of the placebo effect. 2. Identify the concepts of natural and synthetic cosmetics. Identify the main components of cosmetic ingredients. 3. To evaluate the moisture content of the skin and compare the soft plus of the diagnostic apparatus with the opinion of the subjects. 4. Determine the effect of the placebo effect on the choice of subjects.