Baigiamajame bakalauriniame darbe „Moterų gyvensenos ir veido odos priežiūros įpročių sąsajos su senstančios veido odos būkle“, buvo siekiama išsiaiškinti, kaip gyvenimo būdas ir kasdienė odos priežiūra įtakoja senstančios odos būklę. Atlikus kiekybinį tyrimą, paaiškėjo, jog didžioji dalis gyvensenos faktorių ir odos priežiūros įpročių įtakoja moterų veido odos būklę.Pasirinktas respondenčių skaičius - 100 moterų, nuo 25 metų amžiaus, nes tokiame amžiuje pradeda ryškėti pirmieji veido odos senėjmo požymiai.
It's no secret that the main attraction of a woman's beauty is a beautiful, healthy, well-lit face skin. The rapid pace of life, stress, harmful habits, worries especially affect the early aging of the skin, and encourage skin problems. Skin aging problems are under investigation by specialists from various fields, for example: dermatologists, plastic surgeons, histologists, gynecologists, caretakers, and other scientists. It is meaningful to determine lifestyle and facial skin care habits that promote the aging of skin in Lithuania. Problematic issue of the research: How and what habits of lifestyle and skin care influence the condition of aging facial skin? Object of the study: Relationship between aging face skin condition and women's lifestyle and face skin care habits The aim of the study: To determine the relationship between women's lifestyle and facial skin care habits with the state of aging facial skin. Research methods: Analysis of scientific and professional literature sources, written survey, data systematization and analysis. Results and conclusions of the research: 1. Structural and functional changes in the skin after aging: decreased elasticity, slowed hydration of the epidermis, slowed regeneration processes, increased sensitivity of the skin, deep, fine folds, impaired metabolic and circulatory system, changes in pigmentation. The main environmental factors that promote skin aging include: solar radiation, visits to the solarium, smoking, alcohol consumption, poor nutrition, sleep, stress. Proper skin protection from UV radiation, prevention of aging during procedures in the cosmetologist's office, cleaning, irrigation, are the key to effective anti-aging skin care measures. For every type of skin, cosmetic products are selected based on skin type and problem. 2. The results of the study showed that poor sleep quality affects the facial skin of women, causing dryness and dehydration, which causes facial skin aging. Women with well-behaved sleep are more likely to complain of wrinkles, the facial elasticity for both groups of respondents was almost equally reduced, slightly more pigmented stains in the skin of poorly sleeping women, their facial skin is also more subtle and rough than well-sleeping women. There is no direct impact of stress on women's face skin type - the type of skin is quite diverse in the face of women who are constantly or often stressed or calm. A slightly higher
percentage of women who are often stressed have mixed facial skin, compared to those with a livelier lifestyle. Facial skin shrinkage is twice as common to smokers. One third of women surveyed use alcohol quite often - once a week. These women complain of a slightly higher amount of wrinkles and a much more pronounced dry skin than women who use alcohol rarely. The results of the study did not reveal any significant difference between the skin of the frequent and non-active use of sunbeds in the solarium. The percentage of responders who often use the services provided by the solarium is slightly higher than of women who avoid exposure to artificial and frequent UV rays, pigmented blemishes, facial skin thinning, hypersensitivity and expanded capillaries. The respondents do not take enough care of the rules to clean the makeup remnants - only a little more than a half of the women surveyed always remove the makeup remnants, other respondents do it occasionally or do not wear a make-up at all, which adversely effects their facial skin condition. More than two thirds of women do not go to beauticians, which allows them to assume that they care for their faces independently, without professional help, and are unlikely to know enough about how to reduce the facial skin aging or to combat its manifestations.
Key words: Skin aging, lifestyle, skin care