Darbe analizuojama priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų fizinio aktyvumo reikšmė vaikystėje. Pateikiamos priežastys kodėl yra svarbu skatinti fizinį aktyvumą šeimoje ir ikimokyklinėje ugdymo įstaigoje, aptariama fizinį aktyvumą skatinantys veiksniai. Empiriniame tyrime siekiama nustatyti kokiais būdais yra skatinamas priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų fizinis aktyvumas šeimoje ir ikimokyklinėje įstaigoje. Realizuojant edukacinį projektą siekiama suteikti žinių ir praktinių gebėjimų, priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikams apie fizinio aktyvumo naudą ir galimybes panaudojant įvairias priemones atliekant kuo įvairesnes veiklas. Pateikiamos tyrimo išvados, paaiškinančios fizinio aktyvumo reikšmę priešmokykliniame amžiuje, išryškėję būdai, kuriais yra skatinamas fizinis aktyvumas. Pateikiamos rekomendacijos ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigos pedagogams, kaip užtikrinti efektyvų fizinio aktyvumo ugdymą/-si.
Physical activity is an activity/action in which children are actively involved into movement, running, playing games, exercising or doing some kind of sports (Adaškevičienė, 1999). According to S. Owczarek (2005), movement is the most significant factor of development. With the help of movement, children get acquainted to the world, surroundings, and gain new abilities. Children’s physical activity and its features are studied by Adaškevičienė, Strazdienė (2013), Mockevičienė (2003), Poteliūniėnė ir kt. (2007), Visagurskienė, Grigonienė (2016), Owczarek (2005) and others. According to statistics, approximately half of all preschoolers’ physical activity is insufficient (LR Ministry of Health Care, 2017). What is more, adults are responsible for the children’s unwillingness to be active and strengthen their health because adults act inappropriate: they do not show a good example of health care and form bad habits (Adaškevičienė, 2008). Thus, the problem of this research is how is physical activity promoted during pre school age? The subject of the paper is the promotion of preschoolers‘ physical activity. The aim of the paper is to reveal the peculiarities of the promotion of preschoolers‘ physical activity. The objectives of the paper: 1. To explain the importance of promotion of preschoolers‘ physical activity. 2. To identify how physical activity of preschool children is promoted. 3. To initiate, plan and realize the education project of children’s physical activity in educational institution „X“. Research methods: the analysis of scientific literature, survey (verbal), survey (written). This paper revealed that physical activity of preschoolers is very important, because it has a positive influence on personality as well as cognitive development. There are various means used to enhance the physical activity in pre-school: sports events/festivals, projects, the lessons of physical education or swimming lessons in the pool. To make physical education effective, the communication of teachers and parents is necessary because in this way physical activity is promoted not only in education institution but continues at home as well. The volume of the paper: summary in Lithuanian and English languages, introduction, theoretical part, research, the description of educational project, conclusions, literature list of 39 sources. Number of pages – 53, including 20 pictures and 9 attachments.