Profit maximization is the ultimate goal of every business, so the analysis of profitability indicators reveals a lot of useful information about areas that could be improved in order to be more efficient. The object of this research is AB Vilniaus baldai 2014–2018. Financial Statements. The aim of the professional BA thesis is to analyze the profit and profitability of AB Vilniaus baldai in 2014–2018. In order to achieve this goal, three objectives were raised. Analyze the significance of profit and profitability for a business and to provide theoretically based analytical methods; to analyze the performance of AB Vilniaus baldai in 2014–2018. information on profit and loss accounts and analysis of AB Vilniaus baldai 2014–2018. profitability indicators. Methods such as systematic analysis and synthesis of scientific literature; Comparative analysis; vertical analysis; horizontal analysis; relative analysis; graphical interpretation and evaluation. The analysis showed that in 2014 the biggest net profit was earned. The year 2015 was incomplete, so comparing it with absolute indicators is not expedient. 2016 The year 2017 could be viewed in two ways. On the one hand, in the year 2017 they were unable to cut the expenditures. However, the highest gross margin was achieved over the entire analysis period. 2018 was the worst. Low gross profit due to increased material costs and growth.