Profesinio bakalauro darbe analizuojamas pelningumas ir jo reikšme. Išnagrinėti pelningumo rodikliai ir jų klasifikavimas, finansinių ataskaitų prognozavimas. Pagal pirmos darbo dalies metodus nagrinėjama UAB „Kesko Senukai Lithuania“ veikla bei išanalizuojamos finansinės ataskaitos, nagrinėjami absoliutūs ir santykiniai skaičiavimai, atliktas prognozavimas.
Company Profitability Assessment is an important and essential part of the company for those who want to run business successfully. Profitability forecast and analysis helps you make the right financial management decisions. It is, therefore, very important that the information provided by the indicators is taken into account when developing a financial management strategy. The main problem of the professional BA thesis. Without the company's financial statements and indicators forecasts, the company's managers will not be able to determine the future status of the company and establish appropriate financial management plans.
The aim of the professional BA thesis to analyze the financial statements of “UAB Kesko Senukai Lithuania”, to estimate and evaluate its profitability.
Objectives of the professional BA thesis: Profitability indicators of UAB “Kesko Senukai Lithuania”.
Methods of the professional BA thesis. Analysis of scientific literature and information sources, prediction methods, graphical representation, excel calculator.
The structure. The theoretical part describes the company's profitability and the importance of profitability. The practical part of the work describes the activities of “UAB Kesko Senukai Lithuania” and analyzes the financial statements and analyzes the absolute and relative calculations. The results/conclusions in this work. The absolute and relative profit indicators have been calculated, which are in good condition, the company's business is profitable and forecasting for it. Investigation of profitability indicators was compared with the indicators of another company, which showed that the business is profitable. To be even more profitable, a company must to constantly count and take into account the indicators.