Sparčiai kintanti ekonominė padėtis skatina įmonių vystymąsi bei plėtrą. Greitų pokyčių pasekoje įmonės per mažai dėmesio skiria finansinių rodiklių, tokių kaip pelnas ir pelningumas, analizei. Pelnas ir pelningumas vieni iš svarbiausių rodiklių reikalingų įmonės finansinei būklei bei veiklos tęstinumui nustatyti. Šių rodiklių analizė, vertinimas ir pagrindimas realiais faktais padeda nustatyti pagrindines veiklos vykdymo problemas, galimus sprendimo būdus. Pelno ir pelningumo rodiklių analizė leidžia planuoti priemones, padedančias didinti rodiklius ir mažinti riziką tolimesnėje įmonės veikloje. Atlikus AB „Utenos trikotažas“ ir jos konkurento AB „Linas“ pelningumo rodiklių analizė parodė, jog įmonės gana panašiai valdo savo nuosavas ir skolintas lėšas, panašiai disponuoja gaunamu pelnu. Gilinantis pastebėti kapitalo ir turto skirtumai darę įtaką pelningumo rodiklių dydžiams.
Description of the professional BA thesis. The main goal of every existing business is to make a profit. Every business founder seeks to maximize profits, enabling the company to further develop, increase assets, and gain over its competitors. In order to have a clear picture of the company's financial performance, it is necessary to carry out a profit and profitability analysis. The main problem of the (professional BA thesis) - Due to a small theoretical and practical analysis of business enterprise its evaluation and practical application are little used. As a result, the projections are formally prepared, with little attention to the analytical parts of the reports, which is important for decision-making and business risk management.
The aim of the (professional BA thesis) – to analyse the profit and profitability of „Utenos trikotažas” company.
Objectives of the (professional BA thesis): 1. To analyze theoretical aspects of profitability analysis. 2.To perform financial analysis of AB Utenos trikotažas. 3.To evaluate the profitability indicators of AB „Utenos trikotažas“ and compare them with the indicators of AB „Linas“.
Methods of the (professional BA thesis) – The following research methods were used in order to achieve the set goal and tasks: analysis of scientific literature, synthesis of information, systematization, generalization, calculation of comparative weights (parts) - vertical analysis, dynamic lines - horizontal analysis; specific and graphical methods (diagrams and graphs).
The structure – Theoretical aspects of the analysis are discussed in the theoretical part. The practical part presents the results of the analysis and comparison with one of the competitors.
The results. The analysis of profitability indicators of AB „Utenos trikotažas” and its competitor AB „Linas” showed that companies manage their resources quite similarly. However, the deeper noticeable fundamental differences that led to more passive and unwieldy risk investors would choose AB „Linas” because of its stability and bolder but those who like to risk would choose AB „Utenos trikotažas”.